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Top 4 Foods for a Gentle and Safe Detox Program!
Did you know that a typical human is exposed to more than 2,000,000 toxins every day? Yes, read that again … that’s over 2 million toxins per day. From air pollution to plastics and from body care products to even the foods we eat, toxins are everywhere. Of course, many of these toxins don’t affect our daily routines, but over the course of days, weeks and years, these toxins will play a significant role in your health and well-being.
In order to get rid of these toxins, we need to detoxify our bodies. To many people, detox or detoxification is a scary process as many detox programs have bad side effects. Luckily, there are great foods and super foods that help us gently detoxify our bodies in a more natural way. Below are 4 foods for a gentle and safe detox.
Gentle Detox Food #1 > Detox with Wheatgrass!
Long considered a superfood (also check out our Just Add Good Stuff Wheatgrass infographic for nutritional info), wheatgrass is one of the best and safest detox foods in the world. This versatile detoxifier can be found at most grocery stores –OR- preferably, you can easily grow it yourself. You can purchase a wheatgrass growing kit from Amazon or from a local health food store. Add it to your cold pressed juice for optimal detox effects.
Safe Detox Food #2 > Detox with Cilantro!
Not many people know this, but cilantro is a great herb that also serves as a gentle detox super food. You can find many types of cilantro at the local grocery store (or you can grow it yourself in a herb garden). The versatility is unmatched as you can use cilantro by cooking it, juicing it or just eating it raw. Cilantro detoxifies the body by taking out mercury and other heavy metals, which is amazing. As well, cilantro also has many other antifungal and antibacterial properties that will fight infection and reduce inflammation in combination with detoxifying your body very quickly.
Gentle Detox Food #3 > Detox with Pectin Rich Foods!
This natural detox agent is found in many fruits that we already eat. From bananas and grapes to citrus fruits and apples, pectin is a perfect detox agent that is both safe and very gentle on your digestive system and body. Pectin itself aids in the removal of toxins and heavy metals much like cilantro. It’s best to incorporate pectin into your cold pressed juice or smoothie by adding natural and organic fruits versus pectin products which may be laced with other ingredients such as MSG.
Safe Detox Food #4 > Detox with Greens!
From chlorella to spirulina and from alfalfa sprouts to parsley, these types of greens detoxify your body and remove chelating heavy metals. Much like everything we promote at Just Add Good Stuff, adding greens into your diet is essential for a healthy lifestyle.
These are some of the best and safest foods to detox your body. Remember though, the key is also to limit the number of toxins that we drink and eat. So by eating well, we will reduce the amount of toxins that we need to get rid of in the first place!
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