AFFIRMATION of the day! Eating for health isn’t extreme…
Eating for health isn’t extreme – it’s essential! – michael kenenth
Eating for health isn’t extreme – it’s essential! – michael kenenth
If you asked most people what color foods contain the most nutrients, vitamins and minerals, they will point you towards green foods. However, there are a number of studies and proven facts about how BLACK foods are just as good and in many ways, even better than green foods.
Black is the new green! How so? New studies show that many black or dark pigmented foods contain more antioxidants than lighter colored foods. The high pigment content also gives more nutrient density, packing in more useful and vital vitamins and minerals into each bite. Therefore, many nutritionists and dieticians now proclaim that Black is the new Green. Dark fruits, veggies, produce and grains are nutritional powerhouses. The dark black color comes from anthocyanins. These anthocyanins cause dark pigmentation in fresh produce and whole foods and they may help lower the risks of diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Black superfoods also contain higher levels of fiber, protein, antioxidants and phytonutrients when compared to there counterparts. As well, black superfoods are now more readily available in local grocery stores.
In additional studies, researchers are also trying to figure out if these anthocyanins from black plants and whole foods can help treat cancers, heart diseases and diabetes. Black foods can now be found in many supermarkets but if you can’t find any, try natural food stores and small local grocers. So what are the best black foods? And how is Black the new Green when it comes to diet and nutrition? Find out more about Black is the new Green below:
Let’s start off with one of our favourite black foods. Although white and green teas get all the diet and nutrition hype as some of the best healthy drinks in the world, black tea has many perks as well. The dark pigmentation of black teas gives the drink theaflavins. According to the New Jersey Rugers University, theaflavins are special antioxidants found in black tea that help improve muscle recovery during and after intense workouts and exercise. In addition, theaflavin antioxidants in black tea may also help in healing muscle soreness. Another health benefit of black tea is that studies have shown that is may also lower your risk of heart disease and heart attacks. Just add black tea!
Although yellow and green soybeans get all the attention (think edamame in Japanese cuisine), black soybeans are the real superfood when it comes to soy beans. Although all soybean oils contain alpha linolenic acid, an omega-3 fatty acid which reduces the risk of heart disease, black soybean oil seems to contain the highest levels of this health benefit. As well, a recent study from Korean researchers show that black soybeans also reduce the risk of thrombosis, a type of blood clot that is in some cases, fatal. Just add black soybeans!
Just like black soybeans, black beans also contain higher levels of nutrients, omega-3 fatty acids and other minerals that aid in regular body function and combatting disease. The dark black beans are packed with bioflavonoids. According to Cornell University, the high levels of bioflavonoids in black beans help protect us from all forms of cancer. The potent plant base nutrients are exceptional. Just add black beans.
Often overlooked due to the hype surrounding goji berries, blueberries and acai berry, blackberries are actually some of the most nutritional dense berries. High in fiber which aids in digestion, one cup of blackberries contains more than 30% of your daily fiber requirements! In addition, blackberries also contain polyphenols which help reduce cognitive decline and aid in brain/nervous function. The polyphenols help clean up cells that impair daily brain function according to Boston’s Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging. Just add blackberries!
Many vegans and vegetarians eat black lentils because of their high iron content. About one cup of black lentils gives you close to 40% of your daily recommended intake of iron for women, which is just incredible. In addition, lentils, specifically black lentils or those with a darker pigmentation, will contain high levels of soluble and digestible fiber. This will help lower your cholesterol, improve immune function and even reduce your chance of heart disease according a new study done at the University of Illinois. Just add black lentils!
Most of us grew up eating white rice or brown rice. Not many of us know that there is even black rice on the market. Brown rice is better than white, but black is better than either of them. That’s because the bran hull of black rice contains significantly higher amounts of Vitamin E. As you know Vitamin E helps boost our immune system to combat diseases and it also protects our cells from free radical damage. According to a recent study at the Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, black rice contains more anthocyanin antioxidants than blueberries! Just add black rice!
The top 6 black superfoods explained in this article includes: black tea, black soybeans, black beans, blackberries, black lentils and black rice.
Food is medicine, and the right kind of relationship with food can make a positive impact on your health – Hayley Hobson
We are all vegans at Just Add Good Stuff. However, we don’t judge people who chose to eat meat. If you wish to continue to eat beef, here are some guidelines
Grass Fed Beef = cattle roam free on a pasture & eat only grass
Grain Fed/Grass Finished Beef = Cattle confined in feed lots & eat mostly grain
Grass fed beef is leaner and juicer, thanks to higher moisture content in addition to having more omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B6 and beta-carotene. Also, grass fed beef has as little as 140 calories per serving plus lower cholesterol.
Grain-fed or grass finished beef is more greasy and not as juice. Plus, it’s ‘fattened up’ on a variety of grain or corn by-products that are not healthy and highly refined. Regular consumption is not recommended as part of a healthy diet because there is higher cholesterol levels.
Source: American Grassfed Association
Some of the best power affirmations are those that will give you confidence in everything you do. Power affirmations are there for you to memorize and repeat with confidence every day until it becomes part of you. They should be repeated during periods of calm and periods of crisis. The more you master these power affirmations, the happier and healthier you will become both physically and mentally.
These 10 power affirmation words for a boost in confidence compiled by Farnoosh on Prolific Living. We highly recommend that you study, read and follow her blog .. there is a lot of useful information!
1. TRUST: I trust myself. I trust in my decisions. I trust in my direction in life. I trust in my heart. I trust in my work.
2. FAITH: I have faith in myself. I have faith in the universe. I have faith in doing the right thing. I have faith in my abilities.
3. STRENGTH: I feel my own strength. I have all the strength I need. I am strength.
4. COURAGE: I have courage. I move forward with courage. I feel courage in my heart.
5. CHOICE: I always have a choice. I have the power of choice. I exercise my choice.
6. WISDOM: I have inner wisdom. I trust my wisdom to guide me. I respect and heed my own wisdom.
7. TRUTH: I speak my truth. I live my truth. I honor my truth. I listen to my truth.
8. SUPPORT: I have support. I am blessed with lots of support. I am not alone; support surrounds me.
9. ENERGY: I have energy flowing through me. I walk and talk with energy. I do my work with energy.
10. LOVE: I am love. I have love. I feel love. I believe in love. Love guides me. Love carries me through this life. Love is with me always.
Your body is the biggest investment that you will ever have in your life. Don’t abuse it! – Michael Kenneth
Every year, breast cancer claims one victim every 75 seconds globally. It is the most common type of cancer in the world. Every 29 seconds, a new case of breast cancer is diagnosed somewhere in the world, and more than 1 million women are diagnosed with this form of cancer along every year.
Not only that, but breast cancer causes 14% of cancer deaths in women, with more than 465,000 deaths annually around the globe. Plus, nearly 4,500,000 women are alive today who have received breast cancer diagnoses in the last 5 years.
Here is a list of 10 ways that may help keep you from developing breast cancer. It is not a guarantee that you won’t get breast cancer, but by following these prevention strategies, you may lower your oods of getting breast cancer and also improving your overall health.
Angeline Jolie: “I do not feel any less of a woman. I feel empowered that I made a strong choice that in no way diminishes my femininity.”
Sheryl Crow: “More than 10 million Americans are living with cancer, and they demonstrate the ever-increasing possibility of living beyond cancer.”
Most people hate exercising or training but you just need to move more. Take more walks with you dog or skip the elevator more often.
A study found that women who gained 60 pounds after the age of 18 tripled their risk of developing breast cancer compared to those who only gained 20 pounds. Even scarier was the fact that these women also seemed to have an increased risk of developing fast spreading types of cancer, not just breast cancer.
Colorful vegetables are full of carotenoids, an antioxidant that will fight cell damage by eliminating cancer causing substances.
By knowing your genetic risk, you are more likely to take the preventative steps necessary and to do the screenings on time.
Studies suggest that women who breast feed their babies for at least 15 months over their lifetime reduce their risk of breast cancer by 4 per cent. It’s not much, but when it comes to life or death, it is a lot.
Omega-3s help fight inflammation and inhibit the growth of breast cancer tumors. Foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids include nuts (like walnuts), oily fish (like sardines) and even ground flaxseed that can be added to your vegetable servings, smoothies or cereal every day.
Green tea is filled with antioxidants. It can decrease the production of estrogen, a hormone which causes the breast cancer tumor to grow and it can also shut off blood supply to tumors. Green tea alone is like a three in one punch to beat cancer.
Prolonged use of combined hormone therapy can increase your risk of breast cancer. So stop the pharmaceuticals unless absolutely necessary.
Alcohol can affect estrogen levels in the body, which causes an increased risk of breast cancer in women.
Don’t be afraid of spices because the antioxidants in some spices such as turmeric can stop inflammation and inhibit tumour growth.
This infographic on breast cancer prevention is brought to you by Thank you!
Everyone that you meet in your life knows something you don’t. listen. ask questions. learn. and keep learning – michael kenneth
CORE – BALANCE – STRENGTH. These are 3 things that you need in order to master the new fitness power moves that are inspired by some pilates, yoga, martial arts, core balance exercises and strength. In order to be a part of this new fitness movement, according to Details Magazine, one must increase their strength and balance and combine strength and skill in order to accomplish these incredible movements and exercises. Requiring more than muscle to master, it’s all about leverage, core strength and balance. Here are the new fitness power moves. Are you able to master these?
Sit with legs in diamond shape in front of you, soles of feet together. Lift and cradle right calf in front of chest with both arms, elbows bent, palms facing body, foot flexed. Grab right heel with right hand, left hand under right calf, and lift and hook right leg over right shoulder. Place left palm on floor outside of left leg and press into floor to lift butt slightly, then place right palm on floor in front of you. Lift left leg and cross left ankle over right, feet flexed. Use abs to lift butt and torso slightly forward, straightening legs out to right side.
And if you are not ready to do the Eight Angle Pose right now, you can get your arm balance ready by practising these following 3 moves.
Lie face-up, right leg extended about 3 inches off floor, left knee bent 90 degrees, hands behind head, right elbow touching left knee. Moving slowly and with control, switch sides, rotating torso to right, extending left leg out in front of you and bending right leg 90 degrees, touching left elbow to right knee for 1 rep. Do 10 reps slowly. Repeat 3 times.
Start in downward-facing dog, then lower forearms to floor, elbows directly under shoulders, and walk feet in a few inches toward head, pressing heels toward floor. Hold for 3 breaths, then lower knees to floor to relax. Repeat 3 times.
Start in downward-facing dog, then lift right leg to ceiling (three-legged dog), keeping hips facing forward. Shift forward to plank pose, bringing right knee into chest, back slightly rounded, palms pressing body away from floor, abs engaged, toes pointed. Hold for 3 breaths, then press back into three-legged dog. Repeat 5 times.
This article was originally published in Details Magazine in the June/July 2013 issue. All images are courtesy of Details Magazine and cannot be reproduced! Thank you.
The Sterling Rice Group has identified the top food trends for 2013 when it comes to food and beverages. Based in Boulder, The Sterling Rice Group collected data from food industry experts and trade shows in order to identify emerging trends in the organic and natural food space. Remember that organic and natural DO NOT mean healthy. Actually, most of these top 2013 food and beverage trends are not very healthy at all. We probably will try them but just as a taste test. The list of the top 10 natural and organic food trends for this year include:
We’ve already heard of maqui and maca, but the next new food trend for this year will simply be South American super foods incorporated into everything from beverages spipked with purple maize to snacks with acerola cherries, maca powder and maqui fruit.
Desserts have always been considered ‘unhealthy’ but they are addictive. Now, companies are trying to promote the ‘nutritional’ desserts. Remember that nutritional does not mean healthy either. However, these wide array of functional desserts will try to tempt your taste buds and at the same time, give you an added nutritional blast. From probiotics to detoxification and from added protein to fiber, these nutritional desserts will likely be one of the fastest growing food trends this year.
We’ve all tasted and fell in love with Nutella, the first true nut based butter/spread. However, other nut butters are being launched very quickly and is becoming one of the top 10 food trends this year. With a dazzling mix of flavours that includes berries, banana, cacao, nuts, honey and seeds, these ‘flavored’ nut butters add a bit of variety to the traditional peanut butter.
A growing trend in the snack space are high protein plant based snack foods that promote satiety boosters and are a great alternative to soy and dairy based products. Another growing food trend in 2013 for these allergen free alternative proteins are gluten free products.
As more consumers are turning towards vegetarianism or veganism, another top 10 food trend for 2013 are high-tech mock meats. From pea protein to soybean products and even quinoa and quorn meatless grounds, this seems to be a trend that will be proliferating into more product categories in the next year.
Another food trend for natural and organic beverages are chewy type drinks. Much like Bubble Tea from Taiwan, the new Western chewy beverages incorporate superfoods like chia, flax or kombucha to give you a bit of a bite. They also try to make you feel full so that’s probably another marketing angle for weight loss diet.
If VOSS or Vitamin Water wasn’t enough, another top 10 beverage trend of 2013 are fortified, high-end upscale water. The newest one on the shelves is BLK which is made of highly alkaline fulvic acid that provides a black hue to the fortified water. It promises to counteract the acidity from processed foods and meats. Wow, why not just eat better to begin with?
Another top 10 food trend this year is the use of leafy greens in various drinks, snacks and sweets. We all know that both kale and arugula in addition to spinach and swiss chard are some of the most amazingly dense superfoods. Now, consumers can enjoy a ‘full serving of veggies’ from a box. Like it or not, healthy or not, these are definitely here.
Not just functional (like heart health and weight loss), these new beverage lines will tap into your deep emotions, proclaiming high-order benefits such as calmness, inner peace and clarity. Some of the new ingredients that will help consumers achieve this is turmeric based beverages.
From increased protein and fiber content to testosterone boosters, these brands and health foods targeted towards men follows the hugely successful foray of brands into the female product space.