Surgeons can cut out everything except cause




Surgeons can cut out everything except cause - Herbert Shelton quote


Surgeons can cut out everything except cause – Herbert Shelton quote

PURPLE is the new GREEN! Try These Purple Veggies and Fruits!


Purple produce takes a backseat when it comes to regular grocery shopping.  Those weird and colorful vegetables and fruit often cost a bit more and are stuck in the back of the grocery aisle where nobody can see them.  However, over the past few years, purple produce (vegetables, whole foods and fruits with a purple pigmentation) have gained a lot more recognition amongst chefs, scientists and grocery stores in addition to local grocers.  Back in 2009, an article in the Chicago Tribune called The Color Purple: Disease Fighter was published.  This article explained some of the many advantages and nutritional health benefits of eating purple produce.  The distinctive purple hue gives purple vegetables, purple whole foods and purple fruit that added nutritional power and have cast purple produce into the super food category.




Here’s a paragraph from The Color Purple: Disease Fighter

Purple is not simply a popular trend in fashion. This color of royalty, dubbed the “new black” by fashionistas, is also the new black in food. In produce aisles, at farmers markets and on restaurant menus, you can now find a growing array of heirloom and specialty vegetables with a distinctive purple hue — purple potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, beans, corn, asparagus, peppers, baby artichokes and cauliflower. Beyond the pleasing appearance on the plate, the purple color is a cue for nutritional power.


So why the sudden interest in purple vegetables and heirloom produce?  The answer is simple.  The dark pigmentation that is responsible for the purple tones in these types of produce are called anthocyanins.  So what are anthocyanins?  Anthocyanins are a type of phytonutrient that is gaining attention because recent studies have suggested that they help reduce the risk of many types of cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes.  In some human studies, anthocyanins have helped fight these three diseases as well.  Some other evidence suggests that anthocyanins in purple produce will help protect our brains when we grow old.  Here are some fast facts about the health benefits of purple vegetables, fruits and whole foods in recent research studies:




A recent USDA study found that 2 servings of purple potatoes a day helped lower blood pressure as much as a serving of oatmeal.  Many of the people in this study by Joe Vinson at the University of Scranton were overweight or obese and many of them were taking medication for high blood pressure during this study.


An Ohio State University study found that dark berries helped fight cancer by reducing inflammation.  Not only that, but purple berries were found to suppress the growth of cancer cells and even trigger cancer cell death naturally.


Another Ohio State University research study found that the anthocyanins in purple corn were the most potent in inhibiting the growth of colon cancer cells when evaluated against many other fruits and vegetables.


Some UK scientists used purple snapdragon genes to increase the anthocyanins in regular tomatoes.  The result was a dark purple pigmentation in the tomatoes that also produced much higher levels of anthocyanins and even comparable to that of blueberries and blackberries.  Cancer susceptible mice who were fed these gmo purple tomatoes lived longer.




Ever since the cultivation and farming methods of today were implemented, purple produce remained relatively unknown.  Because of their naturally bitter taste, they were deemed undesirable when compared against other traditional sweeter produce.  Take for instance this quote from Jo Robinson, the author of Eating on the Wild Side: The Missing Link to Optimum Health:


Throughout the ages, our farming ancestors have chosen the least bitter plants to grow in their gardens. It is now known that many of the most beneficial phytonutrients have a bitter, sour or astringent taste. Second, early farmers favored plants that were relatively low in fiber and high in sugar, starch and oil. These energy-dense plants were pleasurable to eat and provided the calories needed to fuel a strenuous lifestyle. The more palatable our fruits and vegetables became, however, the less advantageous they were for our health.




And here are some of the most popular purple vegetables and produce available in stores today:


Stokes Purple Sweet Potatoes

Sangria Artichokes

Fiesole Baby Artichokes

Fiore Viola Artichokes

Purple Cauliflower

Baby Purple Cauliflower

Purple Kohlrabi

Graffiti Eggplant


Kale Sprouts

Purple Asparagus

Red Onions

Purple Potatoes

Passion Fruit

Purple Wax Beans

Baby Purple Brussels Sprouts

Champagne Grapes

Concord Grapes



FLAX INFOGRAPHIC – Top Health Benefits of Flaxseed, Nutritional Details, Interesting Facts and Flax Seed Recipes!

The Just Add Good Stuff INFOGRAPHIC SERIES introduces our Flax Infographic. We LOVE Flaxseed! We hope you like it!




Just Add Flax Seeds! Flax seeds are one of the most powerful plant foods in the world! Research has shown that a regular diet with flax seed can help reduce your risk of heart disease, cancer, stroke and even diabetes! Flax seeds also play an important role for the maintenance of cardiovascular health and normal development of the brain, eyes and nerves. Here is the Just Add Good Stuff Flax Infographic:


Just Add Good Stuff Flaxseed Infographic detailing the health benefits in a visual way


TOP 10 Health Benefits of Flax/Flaxseed as described in the Just Add Good Stuff Flax Seed Infographic:

  1. flax is extremely high in soluble & insoluble fibers
  2. maintains health of colon, digestive & gastrointestinal systems
  3. flaxseed has protective effect against breast, prostate & colon cancer
  4. rich in omega-3 fatty acids linked to good heart health
  5. flax seeds improve blood sugar levels and prevents/treats diabetes
  6. prevents inflammation caused by diseases & illnesses
  7. flax reduces hot flashes in menopausal women
  8. rich in anti-oxidants and detoxifies cells
  9. flax seed is rich in essential oils that aid in healthy hair, eyes and skin
  10. very rich in calcium and iron


Flax Nutrition Facts as described on our Flaxseed Infographic

  • Serving Size = 1 cup
  • Calories = 774
  • Calories from Fat = 550 g
  • Total Fat = 61.13 g
  • Cholesterol = 0 mg
  • Sodium = 44 mg
  • Potassium = 1179 mg
  • Total Carbohydrate = 41.88 g
  • Dietary Fiber = 39.6 g
  • Sugars = 2.25 g
  • Protein = 26.52 g
  • Vitamin A = 0% RDI
  • Vitamin C = 2% RDI
  • Calcium = 37% RDI
  • Iron = 46% RDI


Healthy Flax Seed Recipes on our Flaxseed Infographic

  1. Mixed Berry Flax Seed bread
  2. Flax Seed and Water egg substitute
  3. Almond Pulp Flaxseed crackers

* All of our recipes are gluten-free, dairy-free and vegan! Click here for more recipes!


Things You May Not Know About Flax as described on our Flax Infographic

  • Comes WHOLE or GROUND (also called milled or flax meal)
  • Flax Seed contains 75 to 800 times more lignans (cancer fighter) than other plant food in the world!
  • Buy either BROWN or GOLDEN flax seed (equivalent nutrition)
  • Always look for ORGANIC & LOCAL flax seeds
  • Flax Seed can be used as a SUBSTITUTE for eggs and fat in baking!
  • Keep GROUND seeds in freezer to prevent oxidation
  • Precaution: shouldn’t be consumed while pregant or breast feeding
  • Can be easily added into smoothies and juices
  • Suggested amount is 1 to 2 tablespoons of ground flaxseed a day


The Just Add Good Stuff Flax Seeds infographic (we also call it our flax infograph) talks about general facts and nutritional details. For more info about the health benefits and nutritional information, please contact us and we will find out more from licensed dieticians and medical science professionals. It is our goal to provide the best information possible and to help inspire you to become more healthy through diet, nutrition and fitness. The Flax Seeds infographic will be updated whenever necessary, as studies and clinical research provides us with more insight into the health benefits of Flax which would affect our Top 10 Flax health benefits. In addition, we constantly experiment with uses of flaxseed in various dishes, so our recipes will also reflect that. Lastly, if we find any more interesting facts and figures about flax in general, we will also update the ‘Did You Know?’ section of our Just Add Good Stuff Flax Infographic.

The information on this infographic is for informational purposes only.
It is not intended to nor should it be a substitute for advice, consultation or visits to your health care provider.
‘Nutrition Facts’ provided by and verified by Just Add Good Stuff.

RECIPE > Easy Papaya Salad with Dressing!


Want to try a light and easy summery salad?  As mentioned in previous posts, papaya or pawpaw is one of our favorite superfoods and combining it with other healthy ingredients makes for a perfect salad.  Whether it’s a starter or a main course, this easy papaya salad with dressing will certainly tantalize your taste buds.  So let’s get right to it!
Papaya Salad


The Papaya Salad Recipe!

Please share with your friends and family!

Servings: 2 servings
Preparation Time: 10-15 minutes


The Papaya Salad Ingredients


½ – 1/3 papaya (try to find a non-GMO, fresh and organic papaya)

2-3 carrots (organic and peeled)

1 cucumber (organic, peeled and sliced)

1-2 Roma tomatoes (organic and sliced)

¼ cup roasted peanuts* (unsalted, organic and crushed)

¼ cup cilantro (fresh and organic)

* You can substitute the roasted peanuts with your favorite nuts

Preparing the Papaya Salad Step-by-Step


Step 1: Peel, de-seed and slice the papaya into long thin strips

Step 2: Peel and sliced the carrots into thin strips

Step 3: Peel and slice the cucumber into thin strips

Step 4: Slice the Roma tomatoes into thin strips or chunks (your preference)

Step 5: Roast (if not already roasted) and crush the peanuts (or equivalent nut)

Step 6: Combine all the ingredients into a large bowl and mix


The Papaya Salad Dressing Ingredients


½ lime (freshly squeezed juice from organic lime)

½ clove garlic (organic and fresh)

½ red chilli* (de-seeded organic hot chilli)

1 tsp cumin (ground and organic)

1 tsp agave syrup (or equivalent)

2-3 tbsp sesame oil (or fish sauce)


Preparing the Dressing Step-by-Step


Step 7: Squeeze half of a fresh organic lime

Step 8: Add garlic and de-seeded hot chilli into a mortar and pestle

Step 9: Mash until it forms a paste

Step 10: Add all ingredients into a medium bowl and whisk together until mixed

Add the dressing onto the fresh papaya salad and combine before serving.  Enjoy and share with your friends!
This dish was inspired by a GOOP recipe.

10 Words Everyone Should Live By…




10 Words Everyone Should Live By: Authenticity, Clarity, Creativity, Gratitude, Equanimity, Passion, Compassion, Presence, Vulnerability, Love - Dr. Lawrence Rosen quote


10 Words Everyone Should Live By: Authenticity, Clarity, Creativity, Gratitude, Equanimity, Passion, Compassion, Presence, Vulnerability, Love – Dr. Lawrence Rosen quote

Swap Foods Infographic

Looking to eat healthier but having problems finding substitutions for foods that you love?  Check out this SWAP FOODS Infographic …. Just swap THIS for THAT.  It’s as easy as that!


Swap Foods Infographic


Nut milk is high in beneficial fats, high in calcium, easier on your digestion, better for your thighs and super tasty.



Raw cacao is chocolate in its pure unadulterated form and it’s a nutrition packed superfood!



Coconut water is a much better choice.  It’s been hyped up recently for a reason – it’s full of electrolytes, is naturally hydrating, it’s super high in potassium, it’s alkalising… the list of benefits is lengthy.



Coffee messes with your adrenals big time, blocks absorption of certain minerals and wreaks havoc on your immune system.  A great substitute is roasted dandelion and chicory root tea.  Plus, it’s something different.



When it comes to cooking, coconut oil is the only oil we use at Just Add Good Stuff.  It has a high smoke point, which means that it doesn’t turn rancid upon heating (unlike most other plant oils – even olive oil).  If you even come close to burning anything but coconut oil, it will release tonnes of harmful free radicals into your food.



Mung Bean Pasta, Black Bean Pasta or Quinoa & Brown Rice Pasta are all healthier than bleached white pasta which has little to no nutritional value.



As with white pasta, white rice has also been stripped of its nutrients leaving nothing but a white carb that becomes sugar as soon as it hits your mouth.  Brown rice or black rice (even better) is the stuff your body is after when it comes to nutrients.



For a grain to be white it means it’s had all of its nutrients stripped away.  Choose a whole grain like rye, spelt or oat instead.



Cow’s cheese comes under the same umbrella as cow’s milk.  A much healthier alternative is cheese made from nuts.



Choose from raw honey, maple syrup, coconut nectar, yacon syrup, stevia or dates.



There’s no way we’re giving up desserts!  So, raw desserts are made of ingredients like nuts, seeds, oats, almond meal, coconut, cacao, dates, avocado, chia seeds and other super foods that are much healthier than traditional desserts.


This Swap Foods Infographic is brought to you by The Wellness Warrior.

Top 4 Foods for a Gentle and Safe Detox Program!

Did you know that a typical human is exposed to more than 2,000,000 toxins every day? Yes, read that again … that’s over 2 million toxins per day. From air pollution to plastics and from body care products to even the foods we eat, toxins are everywhere. Of course, many of these toxins don’t affect our daily routines, but over the course of days, weeks and years, these toxins will play a significant role in your health and well-being.
In order to get rid of these toxins, we need to detoxify our bodies. To many people, detox or detoxification is a scary process as many detox programs have bad side effects. Luckily, there are great foods and super foods that help us gently detoxify our bodies in a more natural way. Below are 4 foods for a gentle and safe detox.

Gentle Detox Food #1 > Detox with Wheatgrass!

Long considered a superfood (also check out our Just Add Good Stuff Wheatgrass infographic for nutritional info), wheatgrass is one of the best and safest detox foods in the world. This versatile detoxifier can be found at most grocery stores –OR- preferably, you can easily grow it yourself. You can purchase a wheatgrass growing kit from Amazon or from a local health food store. Add it to your cold pressed juice for optimal detox effects.
cilantro detox

Safe Detox Food #2 > Detox with Cilantro!

Not many people know this, but cilantro is a great herb that also serves as a gentle detox super food. You can find many types of cilantro at the local grocery store (or you can grow it yourself in a herb garden). The versatility is unmatched as you can use cilantro by cooking it, juicing it or just eating it raw. Cilantro detoxifies the body by taking out mercury and other heavy metals, which is amazing. As well, cilantro also has many other antifungal and antibacterial properties that will fight infection and reduce inflammation in combination with detoxifying your body very quickly.
Banana detox with pectin rich foods

Gentle Detox Food #3 > Detox with Pectin Rich Foods!

This natural detox agent is found in many fruits that we already eat. From bananas and grapes to citrus fruits and apples, pectin is a perfect detox agent that is both safe and very gentle on your digestive system and body. Pectin itself aids in the removal of toxins and heavy metals much like cilantro. It’s best to incorporate pectin into your cold pressed juice or smoothie by adding natural and organic fruits versus pectin products which may be laced with other ingredients such as MSG.

Safe Detox Food #4 > Detox with Greens!

From chlorella to spirulina and from alfalfa sprouts to parsley, these types of greens detoxify your body and remove chelating heavy metals. Much like everything we promote at Just Add Good Stuff, adding greens into your diet is essential for a healthy lifestyle.
These are some of the best and safest foods to detox your body. Remember though, the key is also to limit the number of toxins that we drink and eat. So by eating well, we will reduce the amount of toxins that we need to get rid of in the first place!

DAILY AFFIRMATIONS – Be Happy, Be Healthy, Be Fit and Be Free!

Just Add Good Stuff presents “A GUIDE to a HEALTHY, HAPPY & PROSPEROUS LIFE” series. This is Set #4 following the hugely successful 1st set (click here), 2nd set (click here), 3rd set (click here), 4th set (click here) and the recently launched 5th set (click here)! The infographs serve as a reminder and guide to a healthy, more prosperous and happier life through nutrition, diet, and fitness.


Be Happy, Be Healthy, Be Fit and Be Free!


Please share with all of your friends and family! Thank you!


Just right-click to ‘save’ the images to your computer -OR- click on these images for the ‘full-size’ version.











Just Add Good Stuff presents some tips for a happy, successful and healthier life:

subtract the bad stuff in your life | definitely add more of the really good stuff

but everything in MODERATION | smile all the time | RELAX | re-connect with a friend

call a family member | buy from local grocers | recycle + compost | DON’T smoke

adopt an organic whole foods plant based DIET | drink lots of water | meditate

say NO to fast food | eat LOTS of veggies | get some SUN | prioritize

be SPECIFIC about your goals | continue dreaming + thinking BIG

forget about your EPIC MELTDOWN… there’s always next season

Inflammatory Foods That You Should Watch Out For!

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), INFLAMMATION is the clear culprit in many chronic diseases that kill millions of people every year.  Some of these chronic diseases caused by inflammation include both heart disease and cancer.
An estimated 17.3 million people died of cardiovascular related disease in 2008 alone, while cancer caused over 7.5 million deaths during the same period.  Not only that, but millions more are diagnosed with debilitating and terminal diseases caused by inflammation each and every year.  The numbers are also increasing when it comes to deaths and diagnosis of inflammatory diseases, which is very scary.  In addition, what many people don’t know is that inflammation at the cellular level is also implicated in such health issues as food allergies, asthma, weight gain and premature ageing.
For our readers who are interested in the medical definitions of inflammation (which has changed dramatically even in recent years), you can visit the British Journal of Sports Medicine for some analysis.
Recent studies and research have now proven that by living a healthier lifestyle through good nutrition and fitness, we can reduce our risk of inflammatory diseases quite dramatically.  This includes reducing our risk of heart disease, premature ageing and cancer in addition to reducing our allergic responses and even asthma itself.  By eating more foods with anti-inflammatory agents and properties, we can now directly link that to a reduction in our body’s inflammation.  On the other front, by limiting and restricting consumption of inflammatory causing foods, we can also reduce our risk of inflammatory diseases in the same way.
Want to learn more about inflammation?  Dr. Joel Kahn, a cardiologist explains here.


Here are the 9 inflammatory foods that you should watch out for:


Inflammatory Food #1 > Sugar causes severe inflammation

Found in most processed and packaged foods and drinks, sugar is everywhere.  Not only does refined sugar increase your risk of weight gain/obesity but it also increases your chances of developing type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome.  Always check labels when purchasing processed or packaged foods as most soft drinks, fruit juices, baking aisle products and candy contain huge amounts of refined sugars.  They are often labeled under different names (not ‘sugar’) that include sucrose, sorghum syrup, maltose, golden syrup, fructose, dextrose and corn syrup.  Instead of consuming packaged products containing dangerous sugar that causes body inflammation, try eating healthy foods with natural sugar (but not too much).  These include various types of berries, fruits, dates and figs.  When cooking, try substituting inflammation causing sugar with molasses, stevia, agave syrup or honey.



Inflammatory Foods #2 > Dairy Products

More than half of the world’s population cannot digest milk.  Although we grew up believing that milk and other dairy products are extremely healthy, they actually cause inflammation throughout the body.  Dairy produces an inflammatory response to those who are intolerant as well as those that are tolerant to dairy (which many people don’t know) and this includes digestion problems, stomach discomfort, cramps, constipation, diarrhoea, hives, acne, asthma and skin rashes.  Dairy products that cause body inflammation are found in milk, cheese, yoghurt (obviously), but also in many cereals, cream sauces, cakes, crackers and even cookies, so watch out and always read the labels!



Inflammatory Food #3 > Red Meat and Other Processed Meats

A problem for those who are omnivores, red meat and other processed forms of meat cause inflammation.  From steak to lamb and from pork to other red meats, these inflammatory foods contain a molecule called Neu5Gc that stimulates an unwanted immune response after meat consumption.  This molecule triggers a chronic inflammatory response that has been directly linked to both heart disease and cancer.  In addition, both the American Institute for Cancer Research as well as The World Cancer Research Fund warn that any processed meats that have been chemically preserved, salted, cured or smoked can increase your risk of inflammation that causes colon, rectal, lung and oesophageal cancers.  Try limiting your red meat consumption and take out processed meats from your diet completely!



Inflammatory Food #4 > Alcohol

Unfortunately for some people, drinking alcohol regularly will increase the inflammation in your body.  This inflammatory response is usually seen in the oesophagus, liver and larynx … which may lead to cancer and tumour growth.  Try reducing your alcohol consumption, and in addition, try drinking green tea and other anti-inflammatory drinks to reduce inflammation.



Inflammatory Food #5 > Trans Fat

Not only does trans fat increase your unhealthy bad cholesterol, but it also promotes inflammation and insulin resistance.  The result?  An increase in heart disease and metabolic syndrome risk right away.  Because foods prepared with partially hydrogenated vegetable oils contain high levels of trans fat, stay away from them!  These inflammatory foods include such things as commercially baked foods, fast food in general, deep fried foods, vegetable oil, vegetable shortening and margarine.  Always read labels!



Inflammatory Food #6 > Vegetable Oils

There’s lots of misinformation when it comes to vegetable oils. On one hand, many people believe it is the healthiest form of oil while other say they are cancer causing.  We tend to believe the latter.  The ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids in our diet can affect the level of inflammation in our body.  If we consume a lot of veggie oils like sunflower, cottonseed, grapeseed or safflower, we will have too much omega-6 fatty acids compared with omega-3 fatty acids.  The result is an increase in inflammation within our bodies.  They are also commonly used in restaurants as well as home cooking.  Replace omega-6 rich oils with types that have a better balance between omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids such as extra virgin olive oil or macadamia nut oil.



Inflammatory Foods #7 > Refined Grains

Just liked refined sugars mentioned above, refined grains also promote the onset of cancer, diabetes and coronary disease caused by inflammation.  Remember that refined grains (versus natural grains) have been completely stripped of many good nutrients such as Vitamins and fiber, so you’re only consuming calories.  Refined grains include white flour, white rice, noodles, white bread, pastas, biscuits and cereals.  Try to reduce these or not even touch them.


Inflammatory Foods #8 > Artificial Food Additives

Inflammatory response is elevated when we consume foods with artificial additives or artificial coloring.  From MSG (seasoning) to aspartame (sweeteners), artificial food additives are most prevalent in pre-packaged and processed foods.  Try to cut down on these and prepare nutritious and fresh foods yourself.


Inflammatory Foods #9 > Feed Lot Farm Animals

Just like in vegetable oils, feedlot animals also have a pro-inflammatory high omega-6 to low omega-3 fatty acid ratio.  This is because many animals from feedlots are fed a typical grain, soybean and corn diet that causes inflammation.  Try replacing feedlot animals (if you eat meat) with free range options that contain higher levels of healthier omega-3 fatty acids.


As you can see from this list, eating a balanced, nutritious, plant based whole foods diet will help reduce your risk of inflammation.  This will in turn reduce your risk of many diseases including cancer and heart disease.

MANGO INFOGRAPHIC – Top Health Benefits of Mangoes, Nutritional Data, Interesting Facts and Mango Recipes!

The Just Add Good Stuff INFOGRAPHIC SERIES introduces our Mango Infographic. We LOVE manoges! We hope you like it!




Just Add Mango! The mango is often referred to as ‘the king of the fruits’ because it is one of the most popular, nutritionally rich fruits with a unique and amazing flavor, fragrance, taste and health promoting qualities. Mangoes are very high in dietary fibers, vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants. Here is the Just Add Good Stuff Mango Infographic:


Just Add Good Stuff Mango Infographic detailing the health benefits in a visual way


TOP 10 Health Benefits of Mangoes as described in the Just Add Good Stuff Mango Infographic:

  1. mangoes are rich in pre-biotic dietary fiber which aids our digestion
  2. very high in poly-phenolic flavonoid antioxidants
  3. mango is high in potassium for heart health & lowers blood pressure
  4. rich in copper for production of enzymes & red blood cells
  5. mango protects against colon, breast, leukemia & prostate cancers
  6. clears clogged pores and eliminates pimples
  7. very rich in vitamin A which promotes good eyesight
  8. mango alkalizes the entire body helping to maintain pH balance
  9. good source of vitamin E which improves sex drive
  10. mangoes are great remedy for sun stroke and heat stroke


Mango Nutrition Facts as described on our Mangoes Infographic

  • Serving Size = 1 cup of sliced mango
  • Calories = 107
  • Calories from Fat = 4 g
  • Total Fat = 0.45 g
  • Cholesterol = 0 mg
  • Sodium = 3 mg
  • Potassium = 257 mg
  • Total Carbohydrate = 28.05 g
  • Dietary Fiber = 3 g
  • Sugars = 24.42 g
  • Protein = 0.84 g
  • Vitamin A = 25% RDI
  • Vitamin C = 76% RDI
  • Calcium = 2% RDI
  • Iron = 1% RDI


Healthy Mango Recipes on our Mango Infographic

  1. Mango Cinnamon smoothie
  2. Mango Coconut dessert balls
  3. Mango Monster salsa

* All of our recipes are gluten-free, dairy-free and vegan! Click here for more recipes!


Things You May Not Know About Mangoes as described on our Mango Infographic

  • Mangoes are native to South Asia & can fruit even after 300 years
  • Mango leaves help normalize insulin levels in the blood, aiding in DIABETES prevention & treatment.
  • Ripe, ORGANIC and fresh mangoes are the most NUTRITIOUS.
  • Look for UNSULFURED ORGANIC dried mango.
  • The peel is rich in phytonutrients, carotenoids and polyphenols
  • Keep them at room temp in paper covers to ripen
  • Unripe, raw, green mango are used in of pickles, jam & chutney
  • National fruit of India, Pakistan and the Philippines
  • Recent research has shown that mangoes are important in the fight against many types of cancers


The Just Add Good Stuff Mango infographic (we also call it our dark chocolate infograph) talks about general facts and nutritional details. For more info about the health benefits and nutritional information, please contact us and we will find out more from licensed dieticians and medical science professionals. It is our goal to provide the best information possible and to help inspire you to become more healthy through diet, nutrition and fitness. The Mango infographic will be updated whenever necessary, as studies and clinical research provides us with more insight into the health benefits of Mango which would affect our Top 10 Mango health benefits. In addition, we constantly experiment with uses of mangoes in various dishes, so our recipes will also reflect that. Lastly, if we find any more interesting facts and figures about Mango in general, we will also update the ‘Did You Know?’ section of our Just Add Good Stuff Mango Infographic.

The information on this infographic is for informational purposes only.
It is not intended to nor should it be a substitute for advice, consultation or visits to your health care provider.
‘Nutrition Facts’ provided by and verified by Just Add Good Stuff.