RECIPE > Summer Oil-Free Vegan Pesto

Whether you are looking for a vegan pizza topping or a veggie dip, this new summery oil-free vegan pesto is one of the best we have encountered. Smooth, tasty and absolutely nutritious, this is a great recipe for any chef!

Quick and easy, this new summer oil-free vegan pesto incorporates some tantalizing ingredients that include organic sun dried tomatoes, walnuts, cashews and spinach as its base ingredients. The other flavorful ingredients include garlic, basil, lemon, arugula, cilantro and salt/pepper. The result is a marvellous take on a summer oil-free vegan pesto that can be eaten with just about anything!

Vegan Pesto Recipe > Sans Oil and Healthy!

Please share with your friends and family!

Servings: makes a jar, so 1-2 servings per batch
Preparation Time: 10 minutes


The Simple Ingredients for the Vegan Spinach Pesto Recipe

1 clove of garlic
2 tsp of ginger
2 handfuls of spinach (organic)
1 handful of arugula (organic)
2 handfuls of fresh basil (organic)
½ handful of cilantro (organic)
16 walnut halves (organic and unsalted)
8 cashews (organic and unsalted)
8 sun dried tomatoes (organic and medium sized)
6 tbsp of lemon juice (organic)
Salt and Pepper (to taste)


Vegan Pesto Directions

Step 1: Get your food processor out and plug it in
Step 2: Dump all ingredients except for lemon juice, salt and pepper into food processor
Step 3: Blend until it is semi-smooth
Step 4: Slowly add the lemon juice and blend some more
Step 5: Add salt and/or pepper as per your taste
Step 6: Enjoy and share with your friends/family!

You can store this in a jar or container and it should last at least 5 to 7 days!
This recipe is adapted from a wonderful pesto from Vegenista.

How to live a HAPPY, FIT and HEALTHY LIFE!

Just Add Good Stuff presents “A GUIDE to a HEALTHY, HAPPY & PROSPEROUS LIFE” series. This is Set #4 following the hugely successful 1st set (click here), 2nd set (click here), 3rd set (click here) and the recently launched 4th set (click here)! The infographs serve as a reminder and guide to a healthy, more prosperous and happier life through nutrition, diet, and fitness.


Please share with all of your friends and family! Thank you!


Just right-click to ‘save’ the images to your computer -OR- click on these images for the ‘full-size’ version.











Just Add Good Stuff presents some tips for a happy, successful and healthier life:

subtract the bad stuff in your life | definitely add more of the really good stuff

but everything in MODERATION | smile all the time | RELAX | re-connect with a friend

call a family member | buy from local grocers | recycle + compost | DON’T smoke

adopt an organic whole foods plant based DIET | drink lots of water | meditate

say NO to fast food | eat LOTS of veggies | get some SUN | prioritize

be SPECIFIC about your goals | continue dreaming + thinking BIG

forget about your EPIC MELTDOWN… there’s always next season

INFOGRAPHIC > The Impact Exercise On Heart Health

Did you know? The major risk factors for heart disease include: tobacco use, physical inactivity, obesity, poor diet and genetics? Over 250,000 deaths occur each years as a result of inactivity! People with active lifestyles through exercise, training and working out have a 45% lower risk of developing heart disease then someone who doesn’t. Benefits occur even with low intensity exercise like walking or jogging. Now that is a major impact of exercise on your heart health!
The Impact of Exercise on Heart Health

Exercise Benefits the Heart in Many Ways

There are 3 major health benefits to exercise when it comes to heart health. Here are the 3 great main benefits in no particular order:

#1 | Exercise Improves Strength

The heart is a muscle, and gets stronger with exercise. Exercise also enables the heart to pump more blood through the body when required. In addition, exercise lowers resting heart rate as the heart is now more efficient in moving blood through your systems when required.


#2 | Exercise Has Positive Effects on Risk Factors

Some of the great health benefits of exercise and training include: reduction in blood pressure and weight loss. As well, other positive effects on risk factors include an increase in good cholesterol and decrease in bad cholesterol in our blood stream. This helps in reducing heart disease and heart attacks.


#3 | Exercise Increases Aerobic Capacity

Being active will improve your body’s ability to transport and use oxygen. As well, exercise will reduce fatigue when performing every day activities. Training will also improve vascular wall function.


Let’s Get Moving and Exercise!

Here are some easy ways to incorporate training and exercise into your daily routine. Firstly, take stairs and not the elevator if you’re at work. This burns 7 calories per minute for a 150 pound person and for an extra exercise boost, take 10 minutes on your lunch break to go up and down stairs in your work building. Secondly, you can try biking to work instead of driving or taking public transit. A half hour commute on the bike burns about 140 calories for a 150 pound person. You will get fresh air, and help your health and the environment at the same time! If you are biking in the sun, you’ll get your daily required dose of Vitamin D as well! Thirdly, sit on an exercise ball at work. By doing so (instead of sitting stationary on a chair), you can burn an additional 30 calories per work day. Use the exercise ball for quick training breaks too. Lastly, walk to lunch or coffee. A leisurely 10 minute walk burns about 50 calories. Grab a co-worker to join you and pick up the pace!
This Impact of Exercise on Your Heart Health Infographic is brought to you by the Regional Medical Center of San Jose. Thank you!

4 Superfoods that Fight Prostate Cancer

Professor Robert Thomas, a respected oncologist at Bedford Hospital and Addenbrooke’s (which is part of Cambridge University Hospital), and his team conducted a 6 month human study involving over 200 adult males with prostate cancer.  The research and subsequent findings on foods that fight prostate cancer are now well documented.  Here are the 4 superfoods that may fight prostate cancer as outlined by this British research team.

The most common cancer in men in the UK and the United States is: prostate cancer.  Robert Thomas and his team in Britain did a 6 month human study that involved 203 adult men suffering from prostate cancer.  Their conclusion?  4 superfoods may help fight prostate cancer in men.  The 4 super foods include: green tea, pomegranate, turmeric and broccoli.


The Prostate Cancer Human Study

Dr. Thomas and his team split the 203 men into 2 groups.  The first group took a capsule each day with the target ingredients (pomegranate, turmeric, green tea and broccoli).  The second group took a placebo pill.  The British researchers used PSA (prostate specific antigen) as the specific gauge on the results of these superfoods on fighting prostate cancer cells.  Essentially, PSA is a protein that is produced by prostate cells which can be measured via a blood test.  Men suffering from prostate cancer have elevated and rising levels of PSA.  To make sure that the human study was conducted correctly, they used a ‘double-blind’ study method whereby neither the prostate cancer participants nor the doctors knew which capsules were being handed out to each participant.
The results were astonishing with the British team concluding that the four super foods certainly fight prostate cancer.  The health benefits of broccoli, pomegranate, turmeric and green tea were certainly evident in this study.  Obviously, further research should and can be conducted.  Another great conclusion is that the 4 superfoods that may fight prostate cancer have no adverse effects on the health or well-being of the participants and are considered extremely safe for consumption in moderate amounts every day.

Here’s more in-depth information about the prostate cancer fighting superfoods:
Superfoods that prevent prostate cancer includes green tea

Superfood #1 that fights prostate cancer > Green Tea

Numerous studies have shown that green tea contains high levels of epigallocatechin-3 gallate, which has numerous health benefits.  The National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center found that green tea reduces the risk of stroke amongst Japanese adults.  The extensive study involved adult males between 45 to 74 years of age.  In addition, the green tea superfood also benefits both memory and spatial awareness, according to the Third Military Medical University of Chongqing in China study.  Researchers from Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine in Japan concludes that green tea reduces the risk of functional disability in old age too.
Superfoods that prevent prostate cancer includes turmeric

Superfood #2 that fights prostate cancer > Turmeric

Already featured in one of our juice booster ingredient lists, turmeric contains curcumin which helps suppresses head and neck cancer growth according to the UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center.  The Pennsylvania State University also concludes that turmeric along with cinnamon reduces the body’s negative response to high fat meals (that is, the body’s blood levels of triglycerides do not end up being as high as other people’s on high fat diets).  As well, turmeric superfood may correct cystic fibrosis defects according to the Hospital for Sick Children and Yale University School of Medicine.
Superfoods that prevent prostate cancer includes broccoli

Superfood #3 that fights prostate cancer > Broccoli

Broccoli contains 2 essential components: sulforaphane and myrosinase, both of which help fight prostate cancer and other diseases.  Broccoli’s sulforaphane may slow the progress of COPD according to the John Hopkins School of Medicine in Baltimore by raising the activity of a gene that protects the lungs against oxidative damage.  In addition, sulforaphane in broccoli may also prevent breast cancer according to the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center (as see in mice).  It can also protect us from arthritis according to England’s University of East Anglia.  The enzyme myrosinase found in broccoli has powerful anti-cancer and anti-prostate cancer properties too according to the University of Illinois at Urbana.
Superfoods that prevent prostate cancer includes pomegranates

Superfood #4 that fights prostate cancer > Pomegranate

The University of California has identified components of pomegranate juice that helps prevent postate cancer metastasis (stops the prostate cancer from spreading quickly).  Also, pomegranate has benefits for dialysis patients according to the Israel’s Technion-Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa.  It was found that pomegranate juice can ward off complications for kidney disease patients by reducing cardiovascular problems and infections.  Lastly, pomegranate may also help reduce breast cancer growth according to LA’s University of California study which show that this fruit contains six compounds which stop the growth of hormone dependent breast cancer by blocking aromatase.
As you can see, the top 4 superfoods to combat prostate cancer also give us many other health benefits that are equally amazing.

COCONUT WATER INFOGRAPHIC > Top 10 Benefits of Coconut Water along with Nutritional Data, Interesting Facts and Recipes!

The Just Add Good Stuff INFOGRAPHIC SERIES introduces our Coconut Water Infographic. We hope you like it!




Just Add Coconut Water! Naturally refreshing, coconut water is the clear liquid inside a young coconut. Often called ‘Mother Nature’s sports drink’ coconut water is naturally fat and cholesterol free, low in calories and contains high levels of potassium and electrolytes. Here is the Just Add Good Stuff CacaoInfographic:


Just Add Good Stuff Coconut Water Infographic detailing the health benefits in a visual way


TOP 10 Health Benefits of Coconut Water as described in the Just Add Good Stuff Coconut Water Infographic:

  1. contains easily digestible carbohydrates
  2. coconut water is rich in electrolytes required for proper muscle contraction
  3. high in potassium which is necessary for proper hydration
  4. potassium also counteracts high sodium diets & hypertension
  5. coconut water contains antioxidants which protect you from free radicals
  6. source of calcium, iron and magnesium – low in sodium
  7. coconut water has no known side effects and very few allergies
  8. contains cytokinins which promote cell division & growth
  9. coconut water fights free radicals against cancer, alzheimers & infection
  10. keeps us fresh, active, fit & sharp

*please note that not all benefits have been clinically proven yet BUT coconut water is more nutritious & natural than any sports drink.

Coconut Water Nutrition Facts as described on our Coconut Water Infographic

  • Serving Size = 1 cup
  • Calories = 46
  • Calories from Fat = 4
  • Total Fat = 0.48 g
  • Cholesterol = 0 mg
  • Sodium = 252 mg
  • Potassium = 600 mg
  • Total Carbohydrate = 8.9 g
  • Dietary Fiber = 2.6 g
  • Sugars = 6.26 g
  • Protein = 1.73 g
  • Vitamin A = 0% RDI
  • Vitamin C = 10% RDI
  • Calcium = 6% RDI
  • Iron = 4% RDI


Healthy Coconut Water Recipes on our Coconut Water Infographic

  1. Fresh Organic Coconut water
  2. Green Monster Superfood smoothie
  3. Coconut Water Quinoa Veggie main dish

* All of our recipes are gluten-free, dairy-free and vegan! Click here for more recipes!


Things You May Not Know About Coconut Water as described on our Coconut Water Infographic

  • Buy young, green organic coconuts for NATURAL unaltered nutrients
  • Most PACKAGED coconut water has been pasteurized or are made from concentrate, which reduces nutrients
  • WATCH OUT for coconut water that has added sugar – don’t buy!
  • It’s NOT CALORIE FREE so don’t drink too much!
  • Has LESS SUGAR than most sports drinks, sodas & fruit juices
  • Is STERILE and has been used in place of medical saline
  • Often called “Mother Nature’s sports drink” by marketers
  • NOT very effective in weight loss diets
  • Coconut water can be fermented to produce coconut vinegar


The Just Add Good Stuff Coconut Water infographic (we also call it our dark chocolate infograph) talks about general facts and nutritional details. For more info about the health benefits and nutritional information, please contact us and we will find out more from licensed dieticians and medical science professionals. It is our goal to provide the best information possible and to help inspire you to become more healthy through diet, nutrition and fitness. The Coconut Water infographic will be updated whenever necessary, as studies and clinical research provides us with more insight into the health benefits of coconut waterwhich would affect our Top 10 beets health benefits. In addition, we constantly experiment with uses of dark chocolate in various dishes, so our recipes will also reflect that. Lastly, if we find any more interesting facts and figures about beets in general, we will also update the ‘Did You Know?’ section of our Just Add Good Stuff Coconut Water Infographic.

The information on this infographic is for informational purposes only.
It is not intended to nor should it be a substitute for advice, consultation or visits to your health care provider.
‘Nutrition Facts’ provided by and verified by Just Add Good Stuff.

Health is the best thing that makes you feel that now is the best time of the year.




Health is the best thing that makes you feel that now is the best time of the year - Pressed Juicery quote


Health is the best thing that makes you feel that now is the best time of the year – Pressed Juicery quote

Boost Your Juice! Check out these 5 new superfoods to add to your morning juice or smoothie…

Want to BOOST your morning smoothie or cold pressed juice with some new superfoods? Getting tired of the same flavors and ingredients in your juices? Here are 5 nutritious ingredients that will give your juice a boost! Click here for SET 3 JUICE BOOSTERS in addition to Click here for SET 2 JUICE BOOSTERS and SET 1 JUICE BOOST INGREDIENTS!


just add acai health benefits into your juice

Top Smoothie Ingredient #16 > Just Add Flax Seeds

Flax seeds are a great super food that can be easily added to any juice or smoothie. Some experts name flax as one of the most potent and powerful plant foods on the planet. And there’s early signs that adding flax seeds to juices and smoothies can reduce your risk of heart disease, cancer, stroke and even diabetes. Some of the nutrients found in flax seeds include a high level of Omega-3 essential fatty acids, lignans/phytochemicals and fiber. This top smoothie ingredient booster will also help reduce constipation, inflammation, menopausal symptoms and fighting colds by boosting your immune system. Just add flax seeds into your smoothie or juice will also give you adequate levels of fiber and some protein and they are low in calories. Just add flax seeds today!

superfood turmeric in smoothies and juices

Juice Booster #17 > Just Add Goji Berries

Goji berries have been a major component of Chinese medicine for hundreds of years. This exotic deep red berry has become very popular over the past few years, and rightfully so, for it’s healthy load of antioxidants and nutritional value. Just add goji berries into your juice blend or morning smoothie to reap all the benefits of the goji berry. In a recent Swiss study, a 90 day goji berry supplementation plan increased antioxidant levels and offered elderly patients with an edge against muscular degeneration. Not only that, but a recent National Taiwan University conducted a study that found that by just adding goji berries to your diet can help protect diabetics from diabetes related eye deterioration. These findings are just two of many that have been done of this superberry. Just add goji berries into your morning smoothie or blend it into your juice. They are available either dried (preferable) or juiced and can be added to your drinks or eaten as a healthy snack. Organic goji berries will pack in the most amount of nutrients.

just add sunflower seeds to elevate your juice

Juice Boost Ingredient #18 > Just Add Chic Peas

A staple of East Indian cuisine and popular in hummus dips, the chic pea is one of the most nutrient dense foods in the world. With a mild yet nutty flavor, you can just add chic peas to your morning smoothie as a juice boost. Chic peas contain a high level of phytoestrogens, which is the plant version of the natural body hormone oestrogen. So when you add chic peas as a juice boost ingredient into your morning smoothie, you can lower your risk of cancers (for women, especially breast cancer). In addition, chic peas have been found to reduce hot flashes. As a juice boost ingredient, chic peas also contain high levels of vitamins and minerals, fiber and protein.

elevate your smoothie by adding super fruit papaya or papaw

Juice Booster #19 > Just Add Amaranth

A relative of the ultra superfoods quinoa and buckwheat, amaranth is also a nutritionally packed super food that goes well with different flavors and textures in your morning smoothie or juice. If you add amaranth as a juice booster, you will be adding tonnes of Vitamins (including vitamin A, B6, K, C, folate and riboflavin) into your diet in addition to a healthy level of magnesium, copper, iron, potassium and calcium. Just Add amaranth to your juice or smoothie because it contains lots of PROTEIN. In actual fact, amaranth contains 30 per cent more protein than traditional wheat flower, oats and rice. In addition, just add amaranth is completely GLUTEN-FREE. Some of the juice booster amaranth health benefits include cardiovascular support, treatment of hypertension, strengthening of your immune system and even preventing your hair from turning gray!

Broccoli super food additions

Top Smoothie Ingredient #20 > Just Add Asparagus

The asparagus is one of our top vegetables to add to a morning smoothie or cold pressed juice blend. High in folate, the Vitamin B that helps fight heart disease, in addition to fiber (over 4 grams per cup), asparagus has an awesome side-effect as well. Asparagus superfood is high in Vitamin E, which helps stimulate the production of testosterone in men. This serves as a natural aphrodisiac and is therefore, good for your sex life. In addition, one cup of asparagus added to your daily superfood smoothie or juice will add only 27 calories but lots of Vitamin K which helps prevent osteoporosis. Asparagus also has natural de-bloating health benefits, which will make your muscles look more defined for your summer beach body! Bright green asparagus is by far the healthiest type. Just stay away from the bleached white ones that carry little to no nutritional value. Remember that asparagus doesn’t stay fresh for very long, so wrap the ends with a paper towel and store in a cool place like the fridge. Just Add Asparagus!


Just Add Good Stuff recommends adding some or all of the above juice boost ingredients into your daily smoothie or juice. Please consult with a health professional to make sure you are not allergic to any of these juice boosters. The 5 juice boost ingredients recommended in this article are: flax seeds, goji berries, chic peas, amaranth and asparagus.


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The Big 8 NO-NO Ingredients NOT Found in True Organic Foods

We believe that there is already a fundamental shift in how we’re selecting food and reading labels. With so many GMO products on today’s supermarket shelves that contain little or no nutritional value, many of us are turning our attention to locally grown organic raw foods. This article explores the Big 8 NO-NO ingredients that are usually found in processed and packaged foods. These Big 8 NO-NO ingredients are NOT found in truly organic foods… so memorize them before shopping!


By law in both Canada and the United States, organic foods are NOT allowed to contain any of these Big 8 NO-NO ingredients. This is supported by the US Department of Agriculture. Here is the Big 8 that you should be aware of (in no particular order):

  1. High Fructose Corn Syrup (or any derivative of high fructose corn syrup)
  2. Preservatives (unless organic)
  3. Aspartame
  4. GMO Ingredients (genetically modified)
  5. Artificial Growth Hormones
  6. Artificial Coloring and Dyes (including Red 40 and Yellow 5)
  7. Pesticides (that exceed a certain specified amount as per food type)
  8. Finely Textured Lean Beef Trimmings (this is often referred to as ‘Pink Slime’)

These Big 8 NO-NO Ingredients are prevalent in today’s food industry and supply chain, making it extremely difficult for any of us to discern unhealthy foods from nutritious foods. For instance, most packaged foods and products contain some levels of preservatives, aspartame, genetically modified ingredients and artificial coloring. Then you add high fructose corn syrup that is in more than half of todays’ supermarket products. Meats, dairy and seafood are often contaminated with artificial growth hormones and fresh produce usually contains extreme levels of pesticides and heavy metals. One study noted that there are more than 400 chemical pesticides used routinely in conventional farming. Plus, produce and meats are also subjected to numerous growth hormones and antibiotics.
In addition, many of today’s packaged foods are processed, heated and filtered, which completely strips away all nutritional value. Western societies also increasingly import processed/packaged foods from developing nations that have fewer food regulations. In many cases, food processors in these developing nations hide the true ingredients or are mislabeled before heading to our supermarket shelves.
So what can we do to protect ourselves as consumers? The Big 8 NO-NO Ingredients are a warning. If you see any of these ingredients on labels or if you suspect that the food that you are buying contains contaminants, please do not purchase it! The best way to combat the Big 8 NO-NO ingredients is to purchase locally grown, raw, certified organic foods. This will ensure that you are getting unmodified, clean and safe food. By law, organic foods CANNOT contain any of the Big 8 NO-NOs … so double check!
What Does Organic Really Mean? Infographic


What are your thoughts?

CACAO INFOGRAPHIC > Top 10 Cacao Health Benefits, Interesting Things about Raw Chocolate, Nutritional Data plus Cacao Recipes! Just Add Cacao!

The Just Add Good Stuff INFOGRAPHIC SERIES introduces our Cacao Infographic. We hope you like it!




Just Add Cacao! Cacao is the raw, unprocessed form of the cacao bean that is further refined and processed to produce chocolate. Raw organic cacao is one of the healthiest superfoods in the world, offering a wealth of antioxidants and essential vitamins and minerals Here is the Just Add Good Stuff CacaoInfographic:


Just Add Good Stuff Cacao Infographic detailing the health benefits in a visual way


TOP 10 Health Benefits of Cacao as described in the Just Add Good Stuff Cacao Infographic:

  1. extremely high in anti-oxidants to combat free radicals
  2. cacao promotes cardiovascular function/health & prevent strokes
  3. lowers blood pressure and improves body circulation
  4. raw cacao is rich in ‘bliss chemicals’ enhancing physical & mental well-being
  5. improves digestion through production of digestive enzymes
  6. dark chocolate increases insulin sensitivity & is relatively safe for diabetics
  7. acts as a mild diuretic, pushing toxins out of your body
  8. raw cacao is used as a natural cough suppressant
  9. increases blood circulation that improves focus & mood
  10. dark chocolate may be the best anti-aging superfood in the world


Cacao Nutrition Facts as described on our Cacao Infographic

  • Serving Size = 2 tbsp
  • Calories = 120
  • Calories from Fat = 40
  • Total Fat = 4 g
  • Cholesterol = 0 mg
  • Sodium = 6 mg
  • Potassium = 0 mg
  • Total Carbohydrate = 15 g
  • Dietary Fiber = 9 g
  • Sugars = 0 g
  • Protein = 6 g
  • Vitamin A = 0% RDI
  • Vitamin C = 0% RDI
  • Calcium = 5% RDI
  • Iron = 22% RDI


Healthy Cacao Recipes on our Cacao Infographic

  1. Raw Cacao Ginger dessert balls
  2. The Ultimate Superfood smoothie
  3. Raw Cacao Almond brownies

* All of our recipes are gluten-free, dairy-free and vegan! Click here for more recipes!


Things You May Not Know About Cacao as described on our Cacao Infographic

  • Only buy RAW ORGANIC cacao powder or nibs… but skip PROCESSED chocolate in any form if possible.
  • Use CACAO to describe the seeds, pods & nibs; Use COCOA to describe processed/sweetened cacao
  • The DARKER / LESS TREATED chocolate, the more nutritious it is
  • Raw organic cacao also comes in butter and pastes
  • Per serving, has the HIGHEST concentrations of antioxidant levels!
  • Addictive & harmful unless consumed in moderation!
  • OLDEST HUMAN lived to 122. She ate 2.5 lbs of cacao a week!
  • Greek name means “cacao, the food of the gods”
  • Raw cacao contains over 300 vital antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. That’s why cacao is often referred to as a ‘superfood’


The Just Add Good Stuff raw cacao infographic (we also call it our dark chocolate infograph) talks about general facts and nutritional details. For more info about the health benefits and nutritional information, please contact us and we will find out more from licensed dieticians and medical science professionals. It is our goal to provide the best information possible and to help inspire you to become more healthy through diet, nutrition and fitness. The cacao infographic will be updated whenever necessary, as studies and clinical research provides us with more insight into the health benefits of cacao which would affect our Top 10 beets health benefits. In addition, we constantly experiment with uses of dark chocolate in various dishes, so our recipes will also reflect that. Lastly, if we find any more interesting facts and figures about beets in general, we will also update the ‘Did You Know?’ section of our Just Add Good Stuff Cacao Infographic.

The information on this infographic is for informational purposes only.
It is not intended to nor should it be a substitute for advice, consultation or visits to your health care provider.
‘Nutrition Facts’ provided by and verified by Just Add Good Stuff.


Just Add Good Stuff presents “A GUIDE to a HEALTHY, HAPPY & PROSPEROUS LIFE” series. This is Set #4 following the hugely successful 1st set (click here), 2nd set (click here) and the recently launched 3rd set (click here)! The infographs serve as a reminder and guide to a healthy, more prosperous and happier life through nutrition, diet, and fitness.


Please share with all of your friends and family! Thank you!


Just right-click to ‘save’ the images to your computer -OR- click on these images for the ‘full-size’ version.











Just Add Good Stuff presents some tips for a happy, successful and healthier life:

subtract the bad stuff in your life | definitely add more of the really good stuff

but everything in MODERATION | smile all the time | RELAX | re-connect with a friend

call a family member | buy from local grocers | recycle + compost | DON’T smoke

adopt an organic whole foods plant based DIET | drink lots of water | meditate

say NO to fast food | eat LOTS of veggies | get some SUN | prioritize

be SPECIFIC about your goals | continue dreaming + thinking BIG

forget about your EPIC MELTDOWN… there’s always next season