The TOP 10 SUPERFOODS for Exceptional Health Infographic


Superfoods is a catchword that has taken the world by storm.  Essentially, a superfood is one that packs a high level of nutrients that are ideal for a healthy diet.  Best of all is that superfoods will help prevent disease, help you lose weight and improve your energy and mood.  Here’s a great superfood infographic by NutriLiving via HealthPost.  Thank you!


The TOP 10 SUPERFOODS Infographic

We’ve all heart of ‘superfoods’ – those foods packed with so many nutrients that eating them regularly might actually change your life.  Of course, everyone’s favorite superfoods are different – and there are plenty that didn’t make this list of the Top 10 Superfoods for Exceptional Health.  But one thing is certain – adding any of these foods to your diet can improve your health. So here’s the NutriLiving Top 10 Superfoods list in alphabetical order.  We hope it helps you decide which superfoods might suit you best.  What do you think of these top 10 superfoods?
Top 10 Superfoods Infographic


Just Add Acai Superfood!


Source: South American palm tree

Rich Ingredients: antioxidants, healthy fats, dietary fiber

Potential Benefits: battles free radicals, cardiovascular health, digestive health

Super Tip: Consider beauty products that contain acai oil for antioxidant benefits


Just Add Bee Pollen Superfood!


Source: Collects on the bodies of bees

Rich Ingredients: vitamins, carbohydrates, lipids

Potential Benefits: digestive health, combat fatigue, helps asthma and allergies, increases energy

Super Tip: Don’t heat bee pollen – heating will destroy precious nutrients


Just Add Cacao Superfood!


Source: Bean from South and Mesoamerica

Rich Ingredients: antioxidants, magnesium, lipids

Potential Benefits: battles free radicals, aids depression, cardiovascular health

Super Tip: Choose dark chocolate made from raw cacao for maximum benefits


Just Add Chia Seeds Superfood!


Source: Central American plant (part of the mint family)

Rich Ingredients: fatty acids, calcium, protein

Potential Benefits: increases energy, digestive health and cholesterol levels

Super Tip: Soak in water to create a gel that can replace eggs in some recipes


Just Add Coconut Oil Superfood!


Source: dried coconut meat

Rich Ingredients: lactic acid and dietary fiber

Potential Benefits: digestive health, cardiovascular health, weight loss and immune function

Super Tip: coconut oil can be used topically, and may help treat infections


Just Add Goji Berries Superfood!


Source: Chinese shrub

Rich Ingredients: amino acids, antioxidants and vitamins

Potential Benefits: immune function, cardiovascular health

Super Tip: Skip the orange juice – goji berries have more vitamin C by weight than any other food


Just Add Kelp Superfood!


Source: shallow saltwater kelp forests

Rich Ingredients: vitamins, calcium and iodine

Potential Benefits: cellular metabolism, cardiovascular health, thyroid function

Super Tip: Adequate iodine intake may help protect against radiation poisoning


Just Add Maca Root Superfood!


Source: Tuberous Peruvian vegetable

Rich Ingredients: amino acids, vitamins, enzymes

Potential Benefits: hormonal function, boosts libido, mental function, increases energy

Super Tip: Add maca root powder to your morning smoothie or cereal for an energy boost


Just Add Manuka Honey Superfood!


Source: New Zealand bees that pollinate the manuka bush

Rich Ingredients: enzymes, hydrogen peroxide, proteins

Potential Benefits: wound healing, relieves stomach ulcers and soothes heartburn

Super Tip: A spoonful can help treat a sore throat, and it can be applied to mouth ulcers


Just Add Spirulina Superfood!


Source: blue green algae

Rich Ingredients: antioxidants and vitamins

Potential Benefits: increases energy, immune function and weight loss

Super Tip: Safe for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and may boost fertility


Visit for all the above superfoods and many more tips for exceptional health.


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Want to ELEVATE your smoothie? Try Adding These 5 Nutritious Juice Booster Ingredients…

Want to ELEVATE your morning smoothie or cold pressed juice?  Getting sick and tired of the same textures, flavors or ingredients in your juices? Here are 5 nutritious ingredients that will give your juice a boost! Click here for SET 2 JUICE BOOSTERS and SET 1 JUICE BOOST INGREDIENTS!


just add acai health benefits into your juice

Top Juice Booster #11 > Just Add Acai Berry

Yes, Just Add Good Stuff is recommending the berry that nobody can pronounce.  Just add acai berries into your smoothie or cold pressed juice blend because they are amazing super berries!  Acai berries are indigenous berries commonly found in the Amazon rain forests.  They are anti-oxidant rich fruits that have been heralded for hundreds of years as an immune stimulating, healing and energy boosting super berry.  As one of our top juice boosters acai berries are easy to find at your local market.  Or you can also opt for powdered acai berry powder but just make sure that it only contains these super berries, no added sugar as comes from an organic source and has never been heated.  Acai berries are amazing for your heart and lowers cholesterol in your blood stream.  In addition, just adding acai berries will boost your immune system and aids in weight loss programs.  The top juice booster also promotes skin health and helps with a an upset stomach, bloating or gas.  Just adding acai berries will also improve your cellular health (high in anthocyanins) and may help fight or even prevent cancer.  Acai berries also contain properties that support normal inflammation that may prevent inflammations due to allergic reactions.  The high levels of phytochemicals also contribute to the ability to slow or reverse typical processes related to aging and cellular oxidative damage, creating anti-aging effects.  The top juice booster also gives you an energy boost, which is great before workouts or physical activity.  Just add acai berries starting today!

superfood turmeric in smoothies and juices

Smoothie Boost Ingredient #12 > Just Add Turmeric

Turmeric is one of the new super foods and there are many reasons for this!  Turmeric is a rhizomatous perennial plant that belongs to the ginger family and its native to tropical South Asia.  Turmeric is being thrust into the super foods limelight as there are many health benefits by just adding small amounts of turmeric into your daily diet.  As a smoothie boost ingredient, turmeric super food is one of the best boosters in terms of natural health benefits.  Just add turmeric into your smoothie or juice blend will give you the following health benefits: natural anti-inflammatory agent, natural antibiotic, natural antiseptic, natural analgesic plus turmeric speeds up wound healing and improves digestion.  Other turmeric super food health benefits include: prevention of bloating and gas build-up, lowers cholesterol, heals stomach ulcers, strengthens ligaments, improves asthma, prevents progression of Alzheimer’s, aids in fat metabolism and weight management and reduces the side effects of chemotherapy.  Other amazing health benefits of turmeric as a smoothie booster ingredient includes prevention of many types of cancers including breast, prostate, skin, colon, lymphoma, leukemia as well as improving skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis, and it also slows the progression of MS.  As you can see, just add turmeric today!

just add sunflower seeds to elevate your juice

Top Juice Booster #13 > Just Add Sunflower Seeds

Often overlooked, seeds are a perfect addition to any juice or smoothie.  These health promoting seeds will give you a firmer texture and a nuttier flavor.   Sunflower seeds as a top juice booster may be new to you, but contain very high levels of Vitamin E, B1, manganese, copper, tryptophan, magnesium, selenium, Vitamin B6, phosphorous, folate and are low in calories.  Not only that, but just by adding sunflower seeds as a top juice booster ingredient also comes with several health benefits.  Firstly, sunflower seeds are an excellent source of Vitamin E which is a fat soluble antioxidant.  This aids in our cardiovascular system and acts as an anti-inflammatory agent as well.  The sunflower seeds health benefits continues with the phytosterols which help lower cholesterol levels.  Another great sunflower seeds health benefit includes its high levels of magnesium which help to calm our muscles and nerves and counterbalances calcium, thus helping regulate our blood vessels.  As well, the top juice booster in adding a tablespoon or two of sunflower seeds to your morning smoothie includes its high levels of selenium that aid in detoxification and cancer prevention.  The best way to just add sunflower seeds into your juice blend or morning smoothie is to add shelled sunflower seeds that are organic, raw and unsalted.

elevate your smoothie by adding super fruit papaya or papaw

Juice Boost Ingredient #15 > Just Add Papaya / Papaw 

In North America, you may call them papayas but in Australia and South Asia, you may refer to them as papaw.  Other people may call them tree melons… but in the end, papaya, papaw or tree melon are a super fruit!  Cultivated worldwide in the tropics and subtropics, over 7 million tons are now produced globally every year.  Due to the high levels of vitamins and minerals, just adding papaya or papaw into your morning juice blend or smoothie will give you lots of natural health benefits.  This wonder fruit is especially great for digestion and treating digestive problems.  In addition, certain enzymes like papain make papaya or papaw truly unique when it comes to super fruits.  Papaya is also very beneficial for your cardiovascular system.  Rich in provitamin A carotenoids, Vitamin C, folate and dietary fiber, papaw or papaya also contains lots of Vitamin B in the form of folic acid, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B1 and riboflavin.  The skin, pulp and seeds of the juice booster ingredient papaya or papaw is also nutritious with high levels of phytochemicals including polyphenols and lycopene.  Pectin in papaya is also amazing.  Just add papaya into your smoothies and you’ll also be able to treat arthritis, osteoporosis or any other pain as papaws are known for their anti-inflammatory properties and promotes faster healing.  Also, papaya is used for treating colds throughout the world.  Just add papaya!

Broccoli super food additions

Top Juice Booster #15 > Just Add Broccoli

Broccoli is one of the healthiest vegetables in the world and it adds to both the flavor and texture of your cold pressed juice or morning smoothie.  With high levels of minerals, fiber, vitamins and even protein, broccoli is a welcome addition in order to elevate the nutritional value of your smoothies.  Containing powerful antioxidants, there are ongoing studies of how broccoli consumption can prevent and fight cancers.  In addition, your immune system is boosted considerably by just adding broccoli because of its richness in beta carotene, zinc and selenium.  Broccoli is also high in Vitamin C which is an anti-inflammatory and it also contains high levels of magnesium and potassium that help regulate your blood pressure.  Broccoli as a juice booster also helps fight heart disease and prevents strokes and atherosclerosis.  Vitamin K and calcium in broccoli also promote healthy bones and the folic acid prevents birth defects.  Just adding broccoli will create a great nutritional shake before a workout as well.  This top juice booster will add tonnes of protein (as much as corn or rice) but half the calories.  Just Add Broccoli today!


Just Add Good Stuff recommends adding some or all of the above juice boost ingredients into your daily smoothie or juice. Please consult with a health professional to make sure you are not allergic to any of these juice boosters. The 5 juice boost ingredients recommended in this article are: acai berry, turmeric, sunflower seeds, papaya/papaw and broccoli.


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