8 Healthy Sugar Alternatives > Going Back to Nature’s Best Alternative Sweeteners


Sugar is probably one of the hardest things to remove from our diets.  Refined sugars are in everything and causes numerous health problems that range from tooth decay to obesity to diabetes and to stress.  Some health professionals are calling on the government to add a ‘sugar tax’, much like alcohol and tobacco to curb the consumption of refined sugars.


Most refined sugars come from the sugar cane plant, which is a highly water intensive crop grown mainly under monoculture conditions across the tropics, most notably in India and Brazil.  These 2 countries alone account for over 55 per cent of global refined sugar production every year.  In the United States, the average American consumes 22 teaspoons of sugar per day. This is DOUBLE the recommend amount.  The average Brit is no better, consuming a shocking 1.25 pounds of sugar per week.  This is slightly lower than Americans, but not much better.


As consumers look for healthy sugar alternatives, they tend to seek out synthetic sugars like aspartame (which is now in just as many processed foods as refined sugars).  Other synthetic sugars such as acesulfame-K are also prevalent in today’s food supply chain.  However, what many consumers don’t realize is that both aspartame and acesulfame-K also come with their own problems and both of them have been linked to cancer.


So what are natural and healthy sugar alternatives?  What are the best alternative sweeteners that are not refined nor are synthetically produced? We only need to look at nature to find the best and most healthy sugar alternatives that also have great nutritional value.  Here are the top 8 healthy alternative sweeteners that you can try:


raw honey is great sugar alternative

Best Alternative Sweetener #1 > Raw Honey


In addition to having a natural and organic flavour that best resembles refined cane sugar, raw honey is also used as a remedy for many ailments.  From digestion to allergies, raw honey has been proven to be antimicrobial, antibacterial and antibiotic, which makes it very popular in non-conventional medicines.  As well, raw unprocessed organic honey is also high in antioxidants, phytonutrients, carbohydrates, enzymes, amino acids, vitamins and minerals which make it the ultimate alternative sweetener to refined sugars.


stevia sweetener is one of the top sugar alternatives

Healthy Sugar Alternative #2 > Stevia


Many people have never heard of stevia even though it is was one of the most natural sweeteners in the world.  Stevia comes from a herb that is native to South America and is usually 300x sweetener than traditional refined sugar.  Having been used as a sweetener for centuries in Japan and South America, stevia is now the second most popular healthy sugar alternative in the world.  At one point, even Coca-Cola in Japan was ‘sweetened’ using stevia before they changed it to refined sugar or aspartame.  Stevia itself has absolutely no glycemic impact and no calories and is therefore suitable and safe for diabetics.  You can purchase both organic liquid and powder stevia from most stores now.


Molasses sugar alternative

Best Alternative Sweetener #3 > Molasses


Although a by-product of the refined tabletop sugar production process, molasses makes it’s way as a healthy alternative sweetener because it is less refined and doesn’t have a negative environmental impact.  In addition, this heavy sweetener, also known as blackstrap molasses provides high levels of iron and calcium, which is very nutritional.  Molasses is sweeter than traditional tabletop refined sugar and is best used in baking.


Coconut palm sugar is a great sugar alternative

Healthy Sugar Alternative #4 > Coconut Palm Sugar


Another great and healthy sugar alternative is coconut palm sugar which is produced from the sap of the coconut palm.  The palm is heated to evaporate the water content and then reduced to usable granules which is what you find in stores.  Having a low glycemic index, coconut palm sugar is also very low in calories.  The taste of this healthy sugar alternative is similar to brown sugar and can be used as a traditional sugar substitute for drinks, baking and much more.  The production of coconut palm sugar also has less environmental impact than sugar cane production too.


Agave syrup is used as a sweetener

Best Alternative Sweetener #5 > Agave Syrup


There’s much controversy surrounding agave syrup and it’s weight in the alternative sweetener space.  However, pure and raw agave syrup from the agave plant (native of Mexico) can have many health benefits and serve as a great alternative sweetener to refined sugars.  Finding the organic dark colored agave syrup will serve you best and is great for adding to baking.  The same issues facing agave syrup also plague maple syrup, which are both plant based sweeteners. Stay tuned for more information as we dig a bit deeper into some health precautions and warnings in using these syrups on a daily basis.


healthy sugar alternatives include artichoke syrup

Healthy Sugar Alternative #6 > Artichoke Syrup


Not readily found in stores yet, artichoke syrup is a great healthy sugar alternative.  Having a low glycemic index and exceptionally sweet yet natural taste, artichoke syrup is great for diabetics and people with candida-conscious diets. The active inulin in artichoke syrup has been found to aid in calcium absorption in the body in addition to improving digestion.  As well, the syrup is very rich in fiber which makes it a healthy sugar alternative.


Lucuma powder doesn't taste like sugar, but is a great sweetener

Best Alternative Sweetener #7 > Lucuma Powder


One of the superfoods that is coming onto the market right now is lucuma powder which also doubles as a great alternative sweetener to traditional refined sugar.  Lucuma powder is sweet, fragrant and has a maple-nutty taste to it, so it definitely doesn’t taste like refined sugar (word of warning).  However, lucuma powder contains numerous nutrients that help our body function properly.  These include Vitamins B2, B1, minerals like iron, beta carotene, carbs, fibers and phytonutrients.  In addition, lucuma has lower sugar content which makes it great for breastfeeding women as well as diabetics.  Lucuma powder is a great alternative sweetener for baking as well.


Dates can be used as a natural sweetener in place of sugar

Healthy Sugar Alternative #8 > Dates


Mostly recommended as a cooking or baking alternative to refined sugar, dates also pack a lot of nutrients, vitamins and minerals into your diet.  From fiber, oil, calcium, sulphur, iron, potassium, phosphorous, copper, manganese and magnesium (all essential for a healthy life), dates also aid in many health disorders such as constipation, intestinal diseases, heart problems, sex drive, bloating, abdominal cancer and weight gain.  In cooking and baking, dates also act as a binding agent for desserts, cookies, breads and other yummy treats.


As with anything in our diet, consuming moderate amounts of natural and healthy sweeteners is the key to a happy life.

Just Add Aronia Berries! Top Health Benefits, Nutritional Info, Recipes and Interesting Facts about the Choke Berry (aka Aronia Berry)

The Just Add Good Stuff INFOGRAPHIC SERIES introduces our Aronia Berry Infographic. We LOVE aronia berries! We hope you like it!




Just Add Aronia Berries! Commonly found wild in swamp and woodland areas, the aronia berry or ‘chokeberries’ pack a powerful range of antioxidants, vitamins and nutrients. The aronia berries are gaining ground on the more popular açaí berry from the Amazon and the elderberry from Europe and is poised to hit the world class super berry spotlight soon. Here is the Just Add Good Stuff Aronia Berry Infographic:


Just Add Good Stuff Aronia Berry Infographic detailing the health benefits in a visual way


TOP 10 Health Benefits of Aronia Berries as described in the Just Add Good Stuff Aronia Infographic:

  1. aronia berry is high in anthocyanins (antimutagenic & anti-cancer agents)
  2. rich in antioxidants that protect cells & are anti-inflamatory
  3. chokeberries slow the aging process to keep us healthy & young
  4. aronia reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases and stress
  5. anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-diabetic compounds
  6. choke berry fights bladder, breast, colon, lung, ovaries and skin cancers
  7. aronia berries help maintain robust intestinal and digestive health
  8. chokeberry helps fight Crohn’s disease, PMS, herpes and inhibits HIV
  9. contains caffeic acid, delphinidin, epicatechin and malvidin
  10. prelim studies show aronia slowing growth of glioblastoma


Aronia/Chokeberry Nutrition Facts as described on our Choke Berry Infographic

  • Serving Size = 1 cup
  • Calories = 83
  • Calories from Fat = 4 g
  • Total Fat = 0.48 g
  • Cholesterol = 0 mg
  • Sodium = 1 mg
  • Potassium = 112 mg
  • Total Carbohydrate = 21.01 g
  • Dietary Fiber = 3.5 g
  • Sugars = 14.44 g
  • Protein = 1.07 g
  • Vitamin A = 2% RDI
  • Vitamin C = 24% RDI
  • Calcium = 1% RDI
  • Iron = 2% RDI


Healthy Aronia Berry Recipes on our Chokeberries Infographic

  1. Aronia Berry/Acai Berry dessert balls
  2. Mixed Berry Flax & Hemp bread
  3. Aronia Berry Quinoa muffins

* All of our recipes are gluten-free, dairy-free and vegan! Click here for more recipes!


Things You May Not Know About Aronia Berries/Chokeberries as described on our Just Add Good Stuff Infographic

  • Naturally PEST-RESISTANT & doesn’t require agricultural toxins!
  • Greater ANTIOXIDANT LEVELS than cranberry, goji blueberry, cherry, pomegranate & mangosteen
  • Native of eastern North America in swampy woodland areas
  • Comes in 3 COLORS: red, purple and black-purple
  • It’s now cultivated in North America, Europe and even Russia
  • Also used as attractive ORNAMENTAL PLANTS
  • Aronia can be used to make wine, jam, syrup, juice, and tea
  • Aronia juice is astringent, not sweet
  • Initial research has linked aronia to reducing risk of cancers, cardiovascular disease, chronic & eye inflammation, liver failure


The Just Add Good Stuff Aronia Berries infographic (we also call it our Chokeberry infograph) talks about general facts and nutritional details. For more info about the health benefits and nutritional information, please contact us and we will find out more from licensed dieticians and medical science professionals. It is our goal to provide the best information possible and to help inspire you to become more healthy through diet, nutrition and fitness. The Aronia infographic will be updated whenever necessary, as studies and clinical research provides us with more insight into the health benefits of Aronia/Choke Berry which would affect our Top 10 Aronia Berry health benefits. In addition, we constantly experiment with uses of Chokeberries in various dishes, so our recipes will also reflect that. Lastly, if we find any more interesting facts and figures about aronia in general, we will also update the ‘Did You Know?’ section of our Just Add Good Stuff Aronia Infographic.

The information on this infographic is for informational purposes only.
It is not intended to nor should it be a substitute for advice, consultation or visits to your health care provider.
‘Nutrition Facts’ provided by FatSecret.com and verified by Just Add Good Stuff.

Just Add Kale! Kale Infographic describing the Top Health Benefits of Kale, Types of Kale, Nutritional Info, Interesting Facts and Kale Recipes!

The Just Add Good Stuff INFOGRAPHIC SERIES introduces our Kale Infographic. We LOVE Kale of all types! We hope you like it!




Just Add Kale! Kale is one of the best superfoods & is a dark green leafy nutritional vegetable related to the cabbage. Kale is rich in vitamins, trace minerals, omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants. Everywhere you turn, kale is a vital vegetable, rich in nutrients, health benefits and delicous flavor! Here is the Just Add Good Stuff Kale Infographic:


Just Add Good Stuff Kale Infographic detailing the health benefits in a visual way


TOP 10 Health Benefits of Kale as described in the Just Add Good Stuff Kale Infographic:

  1. kale is low in calories, zero fat and very high in fiber!
  2. high in powerful antioxidants which prevent cancer
  3. kale is rich in vitamin K for normal bone health & blood clotting
  4. great anti-inflammatory agent with lots of omega-3’s
  5. high in iron essential in oxygen transport and cell growth
  6. kale is rich in vitamin A which aids in vision and skin health
  7. great for cardiovascular support & lowers cholesterol
  8. kale is high in calcium essential in preventing osteoporosis
  9. rich in vitamin C which boosts immune & metabolic function
  10. kale contains fiber and sulfur which detoxify your body


Kale Nutrition Facts as described on our Kale Infographic

  • Serving Size = 1 cup chopped
  • Calories = 34
  • Calories from Fat = 4 g
  • Total Fat = 0.47 g
  • Cholesterol = 0 mg
  • Sodium = 29 mg
  • Potassium = 299 mg
  • Total Carbohydrate = 6.71 g
  • Dietary Fiber = 1.3 g
  • Sugars = 0 g
  • Protein = 2.21 g
  • Vitamin A = 206% RDI
  • Vitamin C = 134% RDI
  • Calcium = 9% RDI
  • Iron = 6% RDI


Healthy Kale Recipes on our Kale Infographic

  1. Spicy Baked Kale Chips snack
  2. Kale & Veggie Quinoa main dish
  3. Kale, Spinach and Arugula salad mix

* All of our recipes are gluten-free, dairy-free and vegan! Click here for more recipes!


Things You May Not Know About Kale as described on our Kale Infographic

  • Per calorie, kale has more calcium than any milk you can buy!
  • Per calorie, kale also has 10x more Vitamin C when compare with spinach
  • Also per calorie, kale has more iron than beef of any kind!
  • Often referred to as a ‘nutritional powerhouse’
  • 1 cup of kale has 10% of the RDA of omega-3 fatty acids!
  • Kale is a winter veggie, although available year round
  • Types include curly leaved, plain leaved, rape kale and Tuscan
  • Comes in green & purple varieties – mix it up!
  • Steaming enhances bile acid sequestrants which lower cholesterol


The Just Add Good Stuff Kale infographic (we also call it our Kale infograph) talks about general facts and nutritional details. For more info about the health benefits and nutritional information, please contact us and we will find out more from licensed dieticians and medical science professionals. It is our goal to provide the best information possible and to help inspire you to become more healthy through diet, nutrition and fitness. The Kale infographic will be updated whenever necessary, as studies and clinical research provides us with more insight into the health benefits of Kale which would affect our Top 10 Kale health benefits. In addition, we constantly experiment with uses of Kale in various dishes, so our recipes will also reflect that. Lastly, if we find any more interesting facts and figures about Kale in general, we will also update the ‘Did You Know?’ section of our Just Add Good Stuff Kale Infographic.

The information on this infographic is for informational purposes only.
It is not intended to nor should it be a substitute for advice, consultation or visits to your health care provider.
‘Nutrition Facts’ provided by FatSecret.com and verified by Just Add Good Stuff.

FLAX INFOGRAPHIC – Top Health Benefits of Flaxseed, Nutritional Details, Interesting Facts and Flax Seed Recipes!

The Just Add Good Stuff INFOGRAPHIC SERIES introduces our Flax Infographic. We LOVE Flaxseed! We hope you like it!




Just Add Flax Seeds! Flax seeds are one of the most powerful plant foods in the world! Research has shown that a regular diet with flax seed can help reduce your risk of heart disease, cancer, stroke and even diabetes! Flax seeds also play an important role for the maintenance of cardiovascular health and normal development of the brain, eyes and nerves. Here is the Just Add Good Stuff Flax Infographic:


Just Add Good Stuff Flaxseed Infographic detailing the health benefits in a visual way


TOP 10 Health Benefits of Flax/Flaxseed as described in the Just Add Good Stuff Flax Seed Infographic:

  1. flax is extremely high in soluble & insoluble fibers
  2. maintains health of colon, digestive & gastrointestinal systems
  3. flaxseed has protective effect against breast, prostate & colon cancer
  4. rich in omega-3 fatty acids linked to good heart health
  5. flax seeds improve blood sugar levels and prevents/treats diabetes
  6. prevents inflammation caused by diseases & illnesses
  7. flax reduces hot flashes in menopausal women
  8. rich in anti-oxidants and detoxifies cells
  9. flax seed is rich in essential oils that aid in healthy hair, eyes and skin
  10. very rich in calcium and iron


Flax Nutrition Facts as described on our Flaxseed Infographic

  • Serving Size = 1 cup
  • Calories = 774
  • Calories from Fat = 550 g
  • Total Fat = 61.13 g
  • Cholesterol = 0 mg
  • Sodium = 44 mg
  • Potassium = 1179 mg
  • Total Carbohydrate = 41.88 g
  • Dietary Fiber = 39.6 g
  • Sugars = 2.25 g
  • Protein = 26.52 g
  • Vitamin A = 0% RDI
  • Vitamin C = 2% RDI
  • Calcium = 37% RDI
  • Iron = 46% RDI


Healthy Flax Seed Recipes on our Flaxseed Infographic

  1. Mixed Berry Flax Seed bread
  2. Flax Seed and Water egg substitute
  3. Almond Pulp Flaxseed crackers

* All of our recipes are gluten-free, dairy-free and vegan! Click here for more recipes!


Things You May Not Know About Flax as described on our Flax Infographic

  • Comes WHOLE or GROUND (also called milled or flax meal)
  • Flax Seed contains 75 to 800 times more lignans (cancer fighter) than other plant food in the world!
  • Buy either BROWN or GOLDEN flax seed (equivalent nutrition)
  • Always look for ORGANIC & LOCAL flax seeds
  • Flax Seed can be used as a SUBSTITUTE for eggs and fat in baking!
  • Keep GROUND seeds in freezer to prevent oxidation
  • Precaution: shouldn’t be consumed while pregant or breast feeding
  • Can be easily added into smoothies and juices
  • Suggested amount is 1 to 2 tablespoons of ground flaxseed a day


The Just Add Good Stuff Flax Seeds infographic (we also call it our flax infograph) talks about general facts and nutritional details. For more info about the health benefits and nutritional information, please contact us and we will find out more from licensed dieticians and medical science professionals. It is our goal to provide the best information possible and to help inspire you to become more healthy through diet, nutrition and fitness. The Flax Seeds infographic will be updated whenever necessary, as studies and clinical research provides us with more insight into the health benefits of Flax which would affect our Top 10 Flax health benefits. In addition, we constantly experiment with uses of flaxseed in various dishes, so our recipes will also reflect that. Lastly, if we find any more interesting facts and figures about flax in general, we will also update the ‘Did You Know?’ section of our Just Add Good Stuff Flax Infographic.

The information on this infographic is for informational purposes only.
It is not intended to nor should it be a substitute for advice, consultation or visits to your health care provider.
‘Nutrition Facts’ provided by FatSecret.com and verified by Just Add Good Stuff.

MANGO INFOGRAPHIC – Top Health Benefits of Mangoes, Nutritional Data, Interesting Facts and Mango Recipes!

The Just Add Good Stuff INFOGRAPHIC SERIES introduces our Mango Infographic. We LOVE manoges! We hope you like it!




Just Add Mango! The mango is often referred to as ‘the king of the fruits’ because it is one of the most popular, nutritionally rich fruits with a unique and amazing flavor, fragrance, taste and health promoting qualities. Mangoes are very high in dietary fibers, vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants. Here is the Just Add Good Stuff Mango Infographic:


Just Add Good Stuff Mango Infographic detailing the health benefits in a visual way


TOP 10 Health Benefits of Mangoes as described in the Just Add Good Stuff Mango Infographic:

  1. mangoes are rich in pre-biotic dietary fiber which aids our digestion
  2. very high in poly-phenolic flavonoid antioxidants
  3. mango is high in potassium for heart health & lowers blood pressure
  4. rich in copper for production of enzymes & red blood cells
  5. mango protects against colon, breast, leukemia & prostate cancers
  6. clears clogged pores and eliminates pimples
  7. very rich in vitamin A which promotes good eyesight
  8. mango alkalizes the entire body helping to maintain pH balance
  9. good source of vitamin E which improves sex drive
  10. mangoes are great remedy for sun stroke and heat stroke


Mango Nutrition Facts as described on our Mangoes Infographic

  • Serving Size = 1 cup of sliced mango
  • Calories = 107
  • Calories from Fat = 4 g
  • Total Fat = 0.45 g
  • Cholesterol = 0 mg
  • Sodium = 3 mg
  • Potassium = 257 mg
  • Total Carbohydrate = 28.05 g
  • Dietary Fiber = 3 g
  • Sugars = 24.42 g
  • Protein = 0.84 g
  • Vitamin A = 25% RDI
  • Vitamin C = 76% RDI
  • Calcium = 2% RDI
  • Iron = 1% RDI


Healthy Mango Recipes on our Mango Infographic

  1. Mango Cinnamon smoothie
  2. Mango Coconut dessert balls
  3. Mango Monster salsa

* All of our recipes are gluten-free, dairy-free and vegan! Click here for more recipes!


Things You May Not Know About Mangoes as described on our Mango Infographic

  • Mangoes are native to South Asia & can fruit even after 300 years
  • Mango leaves help normalize insulin levels in the blood, aiding in DIABETES prevention & treatment.
  • Ripe, ORGANIC and fresh mangoes are the most NUTRITIOUS.
  • Look for UNSULFURED ORGANIC dried mango.
  • The peel is rich in phytonutrients, carotenoids and polyphenols
  • Keep them at room temp in paper covers to ripen
  • Unripe, raw, green mango are used in of pickles, jam & chutney
  • National fruit of India, Pakistan and the Philippines
  • Recent research has shown that mangoes are important in the fight against many types of cancers


The Just Add Good Stuff Mango infographic (we also call it our dark chocolate infograph) talks about general facts and nutritional details. For more info about the health benefits and nutritional information, please contact us and we will find out more from licensed dieticians and medical science professionals. It is our goal to provide the best information possible and to help inspire you to become more healthy through diet, nutrition and fitness. The Mango infographic will be updated whenever necessary, as studies and clinical research provides us with more insight into the health benefits of Mango which would affect our Top 10 Mango health benefits. In addition, we constantly experiment with uses of mangoes in various dishes, so our recipes will also reflect that. Lastly, if we find any more interesting facts and figures about Mango in general, we will also update the ‘Did You Know?’ section of our Just Add Good Stuff Mango Infographic.

The information on this infographic is for informational purposes only.
It is not intended to nor should it be a substitute for advice, consultation or visits to your health care provider.
‘Nutrition Facts’ provided by FatSecret.com and verified by Just Add Good Stuff.

HEALTH BENEFITS OF MINT > Nutritional Data, Interesting Facts & Recipes on our Just Add Mint Infographic!

The Just Add Good Stuff INFOGRAPHIC SERIES introduces our Mint Infographic. We hope you like it!




Just Add Mint! Known from antiquity, mint is an aromatic herb with many curative properties. There’s a lot more to mint than fresheners, candy, tooth paste & inhalers! See below for more mint uses! Here is the Just Add Good Stuff Mint Infographic:


Just Add Good Stuff Mint Infographic detailing the health benefits in a visual way


TOP 10 Health Benefits of Mint as described in the Just Add Good Stuff Mint Infographic:

  1. effective pain reliever for headaches & migraines
  2. mint alleviates gastrointestinal problems like indigestion
  3. antiseptic & antibacterial properties used to treat cuts & burns
  4. mint acts as a topical treatment of acne and acne scars
  5. alleviates arthritis pain, insect sting irritation and eczema
  6. mint improves bad breath and alleviates diarrhea and bloating
  7. natural treatment of the common cold and flu
  8. mint is used as a decongestant with antiviral properties
  9. used in treatment of menstrual cramps
  10. mint helps treat the hiccups


Mint Nutrition Facts as described on our Mint Infographic

  • Serving Size = 2 tbps
  • Calories = 2
  • Calories from Fat = 0 g
  • Total Fat = 0.03 g
  • Cholesterol = 0 mg
  • Sodium = 1 mg
  • Potassium = 18 mg
  • Total Carbohydrate = 0.48 g
  • Dietary Fiber = 0.3 g
  • Sugars = 0 g
  • Protein = 0.12 g
  • Vitamin A = 3% RDI
  • Vitamin C = 2% RDI
  • Calcium = 1% RDI
  • Iron = 1% RDI


Healthy Mint Recipes on our Mint Infographic

  1. Organic Mango Mint smoothie
  2. Organic Mint Ice Cubes
  3. Raw Cacao Mint cookies

* All of our recipes are gluten-free, dairy-free and vegan! Click here for more recipes!


Things You May Not Know About Mint as described on our Mint Infographic

  • Mint gets its name from MENTHE, a Greek mythical character
  • The mint herb is native to temperate areas of Europe, Asia & Africa
  • Mint can be VERY INVASIVE, so grow in containers or buckets
  • There are >30 TYPES & each smells/tastes different
  • The US produces 70% of the world’s peppermint & spearmint
  • Mint OIL is recovered by distilling using steam
  • Mint has been found in Egyptian tombs from as far back as 1000 BC
  • Rats & mice dislike the smell and taste of mint!
  • Peppermint is the #1 selling flavor among non-chocolate hard candies


The Just Add Good Stuff Mint infographic (we also call it our dark chocolate infograph) talks about general facts and nutritional details. For more info about the health benefits and nutritional information, please contact us and we will find out more from licensed dieticians and medical science professionals. It is our goal to provide the best information possible and to help inspire you to become more healthy through diet, nutrition and fitness. The Mint infographic will be updated whenever necessary, as studies and clinical research provides us with more insight into the health benefits of Mint which would affect our Top 10 beets health benefits. In addition, we constantly experiment with uses of dark chocolate in various dishes, so our recipes will also reflect that. Lastly, if we find any more interesting facts and figures about beets in general, we will also update the ‘Did You Know?’ section of our Just Add Good Stuff Mint Infographic.

The information on this infographic is for informational purposes only.
It is not intended to nor should it be a substitute for advice, consultation or visits to your health care provider.
‘Nutrition Facts’ provided by FatSecret.com and verified by Just Add Good Stuff.

COCONUT WATER INFOGRAPHIC > Top 10 Benefits of Coconut Water along with Nutritional Data, Interesting Facts and Recipes!

The Just Add Good Stuff INFOGRAPHIC SERIES introduces our Coconut Water Infographic. We hope you like it!




Just Add Coconut Water! Naturally refreshing, coconut water is the clear liquid inside a young coconut. Often called ‘Mother Nature’s sports drink’ coconut water is naturally fat and cholesterol free, low in calories and contains high levels of potassium and electrolytes. Here is the Just Add Good Stuff CacaoInfographic:


Just Add Good Stuff Coconut Water Infographic detailing the health benefits in a visual way


TOP 10 Health Benefits of Coconut Water as described in the Just Add Good Stuff Coconut Water Infographic:

  1. contains easily digestible carbohydrates
  2. coconut water is rich in electrolytes required for proper muscle contraction
  3. high in potassium which is necessary for proper hydration
  4. potassium also counteracts high sodium diets & hypertension
  5. coconut water contains antioxidants which protect you from free radicals
  6. source of calcium, iron and magnesium – low in sodium
  7. coconut water has no known side effects and very few allergies
  8. contains cytokinins which promote cell division & growth
  9. coconut water fights free radicals against cancer, alzheimers & infection
  10. keeps us fresh, active, fit & sharp

*please note that not all benefits have been clinically proven yet BUT coconut water is more nutritious & natural than any sports drink.

Coconut Water Nutrition Facts as described on our Coconut Water Infographic

  • Serving Size = 1 cup
  • Calories = 46
  • Calories from Fat = 4
  • Total Fat = 0.48 g
  • Cholesterol = 0 mg
  • Sodium = 252 mg
  • Potassium = 600 mg
  • Total Carbohydrate = 8.9 g
  • Dietary Fiber = 2.6 g
  • Sugars = 6.26 g
  • Protein = 1.73 g
  • Vitamin A = 0% RDI
  • Vitamin C = 10% RDI
  • Calcium = 6% RDI
  • Iron = 4% RDI


Healthy Coconut Water Recipes on our Coconut Water Infographic

  1. Fresh Organic Coconut water
  2. Green Monster Superfood smoothie
  3. Coconut Water Quinoa Veggie main dish

* All of our recipes are gluten-free, dairy-free and vegan! Click here for more recipes!


Things You May Not Know About Coconut Water as described on our Coconut Water Infographic

  • Buy young, green organic coconuts for NATURAL unaltered nutrients
  • Most PACKAGED coconut water has been pasteurized or are made from concentrate, which reduces nutrients
  • WATCH OUT for coconut water that has added sugar – don’t buy!
  • It’s NOT CALORIE FREE so don’t drink too much!
  • Has LESS SUGAR than most sports drinks, sodas & fruit juices
  • Is STERILE and has been used in place of medical saline
  • Often called “Mother Nature’s sports drink” by marketers
  • NOT very effective in weight loss diets
  • Coconut water can be fermented to produce coconut vinegar


The Just Add Good Stuff Coconut Water infographic (we also call it our dark chocolate infograph) talks about general facts and nutritional details. For more info about the health benefits and nutritional information, please contact us and we will find out more from licensed dieticians and medical science professionals. It is our goal to provide the best information possible and to help inspire you to become more healthy through diet, nutrition and fitness. The Coconut Water infographic will be updated whenever necessary, as studies and clinical research provides us with more insight into the health benefits of coconut waterwhich would affect our Top 10 beets health benefits. In addition, we constantly experiment with uses of dark chocolate in various dishes, so our recipes will also reflect that. Lastly, if we find any more interesting facts and figures about beets in general, we will also update the ‘Did You Know?’ section of our Just Add Good Stuff Coconut Water Infographic.

The information on this infographic is for informational purposes only.
It is not intended to nor should it be a substitute for advice, consultation or visits to your health care provider.
‘Nutrition Facts’ provided by FatSecret.com and verified by Just Add Good Stuff.

Boost Your Juice! Check out these 5 new superfoods to add to your morning juice or smoothie…

Want to BOOST your morning smoothie or cold pressed juice with some new superfoods? Getting tired of the same flavors and ingredients in your juices? Here are 5 nutritious ingredients that will give your juice a boost! Click here for SET 3 JUICE BOOSTERS in addition to Click here for SET 2 JUICE BOOSTERS and SET 1 JUICE BOOST INGREDIENTS!


just add acai health benefits into your juice

Top Smoothie Ingredient #16 > Just Add Flax Seeds

Flax seeds are a great super food that can be easily added to any juice or smoothie. Some experts name flax as one of the most potent and powerful plant foods on the planet. And there’s early signs that adding flax seeds to juices and smoothies can reduce your risk of heart disease, cancer, stroke and even diabetes. Some of the nutrients found in flax seeds include a high level of Omega-3 essential fatty acids, lignans/phytochemicals and fiber. This top smoothie ingredient booster will also help reduce constipation, inflammation, menopausal symptoms and fighting colds by boosting your immune system. Just add flax seeds into your smoothie or juice will also give you adequate levels of fiber and some protein and they are low in calories. Just add flax seeds today!

superfood turmeric in smoothies and juices

Juice Booster #17 > Just Add Goji Berries

Goji berries have been a major component of Chinese medicine for hundreds of years. This exotic deep red berry has become very popular over the past few years, and rightfully so, for it’s healthy load of antioxidants and nutritional value. Just add goji berries into your juice blend or morning smoothie to reap all the benefits of the goji berry. In a recent Swiss study, a 90 day goji berry supplementation plan increased antioxidant levels and offered elderly patients with an edge against muscular degeneration. Not only that, but a recent National Taiwan University conducted a study that found that by just adding goji berries to your diet can help protect diabetics from diabetes related eye deterioration. These findings are just two of many that have been done of this superberry. Just add goji berries into your morning smoothie or blend it into your juice. They are available either dried (preferable) or juiced and can be added to your drinks or eaten as a healthy snack. Organic goji berries will pack in the most amount of nutrients.

just add sunflower seeds to elevate your juice

Juice Boost Ingredient #18 > Just Add Chic Peas

A staple of East Indian cuisine and popular in hummus dips, the chic pea is one of the most nutrient dense foods in the world. With a mild yet nutty flavor, you can just add chic peas to your morning smoothie as a juice boost. Chic peas contain a high level of phytoestrogens, which is the plant version of the natural body hormone oestrogen. So when you add chic peas as a juice boost ingredient into your morning smoothie, you can lower your risk of cancers (for women, especially breast cancer). In addition, chic peas have been found to reduce hot flashes. As a juice boost ingredient, chic peas also contain high levels of vitamins and minerals, fiber and protein.

elevate your smoothie by adding super fruit papaya or papaw

Juice Booster #19 > Just Add Amaranth

A relative of the ultra superfoods quinoa and buckwheat, amaranth is also a nutritionally packed super food that goes well with different flavors and textures in your morning smoothie or juice. If you add amaranth as a juice booster, you will be adding tonnes of Vitamins (including vitamin A, B6, K, C, folate and riboflavin) into your diet in addition to a healthy level of magnesium, copper, iron, potassium and calcium. Just Add amaranth to your juice or smoothie because it contains lots of PROTEIN. In actual fact, amaranth contains 30 per cent more protein than traditional wheat flower, oats and rice. In addition, just add amaranth is completely GLUTEN-FREE. Some of the juice booster amaranth health benefits include cardiovascular support, treatment of hypertension, strengthening of your immune system and even preventing your hair from turning gray!

Broccoli super food additions

Top Smoothie Ingredient #20 > Just Add Asparagus

The asparagus is one of our top vegetables to add to a morning smoothie or cold pressed juice blend. High in folate, the Vitamin B that helps fight heart disease, in addition to fiber (over 4 grams per cup), asparagus has an awesome side-effect as well. Asparagus superfood is high in Vitamin E, which helps stimulate the production of testosterone in men. This serves as a natural aphrodisiac and is therefore, good for your sex life. In addition, one cup of asparagus added to your daily superfood smoothie or juice will add only 27 calories but lots of Vitamin K which helps prevent osteoporosis. Asparagus also has natural de-bloating health benefits, which will make your muscles look more defined for your summer beach body! Bright green asparagus is by far the healthiest type. Just stay away from the bleached white ones that carry little to no nutritional value. Remember that asparagus doesn’t stay fresh for very long, so wrap the ends with a paper towel and store in a cool place like the fridge. Just Add Asparagus!


Just Add Good Stuff recommends adding some or all of the above juice boost ingredients into your daily smoothie or juice. Please consult with a health professional to make sure you are not allergic to any of these juice boosters. The 5 juice boost ingredients recommended in this article are: flax seeds, goji berries, chic peas, amaranth and asparagus.


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CACAO INFOGRAPHIC > Top 10 Cacao Health Benefits, Interesting Things about Raw Chocolate, Nutritional Data plus Cacao Recipes! Just Add Cacao!

The Just Add Good Stuff INFOGRAPHIC SERIES introduces our Cacao Infographic. We hope you like it!




Just Add Cacao! Cacao is the raw, unprocessed form of the cacao bean that is further refined and processed to produce chocolate. Raw organic cacao is one of the healthiest superfoods in the world, offering a wealth of antioxidants and essential vitamins and minerals Here is the Just Add Good Stuff CacaoInfographic:


Just Add Good Stuff Cacao Infographic detailing the health benefits in a visual way


TOP 10 Health Benefits of Cacao as described in the Just Add Good Stuff Cacao Infographic:

  1. extremely high in anti-oxidants to combat free radicals
  2. cacao promotes cardiovascular function/health & prevent strokes
  3. lowers blood pressure and improves body circulation
  4. raw cacao is rich in ‘bliss chemicals’ enhancing physical & mental well-being
  5. improves digestion through production of digestive enzymes
  6. dark chocolate increases insulin sensitivity & is relatively safe for diabetics
  7. acts as a mild diuretic, pushing toxins out of your body
  8. raw cacao is used as a natural cough suppressant
  9. increases blood circulation that improves focus & mood
  10. dark chocolate may be the best anti-aging superfood in the world


Cacao Nutrition Facts as described on our Cacao Infographic

  • Serving Size = 2 tbsp
  • Calories = 120
  • Calories from Fat = 40
  • Total Fat = 4 g
  • Cholesterol = 0 mg
  • Sodium = 6 mg
  • Potassium = 0 mg
  • Total Carbohydrate = 15 g
  • Dietary Fiber = 9 g
  • Sugars = 0 g
  • Protein = 6 g
  • Vitamin A = 0% RDI
  • Vitamin C = 0% RDI
  • Calcium = 5% RDI
  • Iron = 22% RDI


Healthy Cacao Recipes on our Cacao Infographic

  1. Raw Cacao Ginger dessert balls
  2. The Ultimate Superfood smoothie
  3. Raw Cacao Almond brownies

* All of our recipes are gluten-free, dairy-free and vegan! Click here for more recipes!


Things You May Not Know About Cacao as described on our Cacao Infographic

  • Only buy RAW ORGANIC cacao powder or nibs… but skip PROCESSED chocolate in any form if possible.
  • Use CACAO to describe the seeds, pods & nibs; Use COCOA to describe processed/sweetened cacao
  • The DARKER / LESS TREATED chocolate, the more nutritious it is
  • Raw organic cacao also comes in butter and pastes
  • Per serving, has the HIGHEST concentrations of antioxidant levels!
  • Addictive & harmful unless consumed in moderation!
  • OLDEST HUMAN lived to 122. She ate 2.5 lbs of cacao a week!
  • Greek name means “cacao, the food of the gods”
  • Raw cacao contains over 300 vital antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. That’s why cacao is often referred to as a ‘superfood’


The Just Add Good Stuff raw cacao infographic (we also call it our dark chocolate infograph) talks about general facts and nutritional details. For more info about the health benefits and nutritional information, please contact us and we will find out more from licensed dieticians and medical science professionals. It is our goal to provide the best information possible and to help inspire you to become more healthy through diet, nutrition and fitness. The cacao infographic will be updated whenever necessary, as studies and clinical research provides us with more insight into the health benefits of cacao which would affect our Top 10 beets health benefits. In addition, we constantly experiment with uses of dark chocolate in various dishes, so our recipes will also reflect that. Lastly, if we find any more interesting facts and figures about beets in general, we will also update the ‘Did You Know?’ section of our Just Add Good Stuff Cacao Infographic.

The information on this infographic is for informational purposes only.
It is not intended to nor should it be a substitute for advice, consultation or visits to your health care provider.
‘Nutrition Facts’ provided by FatSecret.com and verified by Just Add Good Stuff.

Want to ELEVATE your smoothie? Try Adding These 5 Nutritious Juice Booster Ingredients…

Want to ELEVATE your morning smoothie or cold pressed juice?  Getting sick and tired of the same textures, flavors or ingredients in your juices? Here are 5 nutritious ingredients that will give your juice a boost! Click here for SET 2 JUICE BOOSTERS and SET 1 JUICE BOOST INGREDIENTS!


just add acai health benefits into your juice

Top Juice Booster #11 > Just Add Acai Berry

Yes, Just Add Good Stuff is recommending the berry that nobody can pronounce.  Just add acai berries into your smoothie or cold pressed juice blend because they are amazing super berries!  Acai berries are indigenous berries commonly found in the Amazon rain forests.  They are anti-oxidant rich fruits that have been heralded for hundreds of years as an immune stimulating, healing and energy boosting super berry.  As one of our top juice boosters acai berries are easy to find at your local market.  Or you can also opt for powdered acai berry powder but just make sure that it only contains these super berries, no added sugar as comes from an organic source and has never been heated.  Acai berries are amazing for your heart and lowers cholesterol in your blood stream.  In addition, just adding acai berries will boost your immune system and aids in weight loss programs.  The top juice booster also promotes skin health and helps with a an upset stomach, bloating or gas.  Just adding acai berries will also improve your cellular health (high in anthocyanins) and may help fight or even prevent cancer.  Acai berries also contain properties that support normal inflammation that may prevent inflammations due to allergic reactions.  The high levels of phytochemicals also contribute to the ability to slow or reverse typical processes related to aging and cellular oxidative damage, creating anti-aging effects.  The top juice booster also gives you an energy boost, which is great before workouts or physical activity.  Just add acai berries starting today!

superfood turmeric in smoothies and juices

Smoothie Boost Ingredient #12 > Just Add Turmeric

Turmeric is one of the new super foods and there are many reasons for this!  Turmeric is a rhizomatous perennial plant that belongs to the ginger family and its native to tropical South Asia.  Turmeric is being thrust into the super foods limelight as there are many health benefits by just adding small amounts of turmeric into your daily diet.  As a smoothie boost ingredient, turmeric super food is one of the best boosters in terms of natural health benefits.  Just add turmeric into your smoothie or juice blend will give you the following health benefits: natural anti-inflammatory agent, natural antibiotic, natural antiseptic, natural analgesic plus turmeric speeds up wound healing and improves digestion.  Other turmeric super food health benefits include: prevention of bloating and gas build-up, lowers cholesterol, heals stomach ulcers, strengthens ligaments, improves asthma, prevents progression of Alzheimer’s, aids in fat metabolism and weight management and reduces the side effects of chemotherapy.  Other amazing health benefits of turmeric as a smoothie booster ingredient includes prevention of many types of cancers including breast, prostate, skin, colon, lymphoma, leukemia as well as improving skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis, and it also slows the progression of MS.  As you can see, just add turmeric today!

just add sunflower seeds to elevate your juice

Top Juice Booster #13 > Just Add Sunflower Seeds

Often overlooked, seeds are a perfect addition to any juice or smoothie.  These health promoting seeds will give you a firmer texture and a nuttier flavor.   Sunflower seeds as a top juice booster may be new to you, but contain very high levels of Vitamin E, B1, manganese, copper, tryptophan, magnesium, selenium, Vitamin B6, phosphorous, folate and are low in calories.  Not only that, but just by adding sunflower seeds as a top juice booster ingredient also comes with several health benefits.  Firstly, sunflower seeds are an excellent source of Vitamin E which is a fat soluble antioxidant.  This aids in our cardiovascular system and acts as an anti-inflammatory agent as well.  The sunflower seeds health benefits continues with the phytosterols which help lower cholesterol levels.  Another great sunflower seeds health benefit includes its high levels of magnesium which help to calm our muscles and nerves and counterbalances calcium, thus helping regulate our blood vessels.  As well, the top juice booster in adding a tablespoon or two of sunflower seeds to your morning smoothie includes its high levels of selenium that aid in detoxification and cancer prevention.  The best way to just add sunflower seeds into your juice blend or morning smoothie is to add shelled sunflower seeds that are organic, raw and unsalted.

elevate your smoothie by adding super fruit papaya or papaw

Juice Boost Ingredient #15 > Just Add Papaya / Papaw 

In North America, you may call them papayas but in Australia and South Asia, you may refer to them as papaw.  Other people may call them tree melons… but in the end, papaya, papaw or tree melon are a super fruit!  Cultivated worldwide in the tropics and subtropics, over 7 million tons are now produced globally every year.  Due to the high levels of vitamins and minerals, just adding papaya or papaw into your morning juice blend or smoothie will give you lots of natural health benefits.  This wonder fruit is especially great for digestion and treating digestive problems.  In addition, certain enzymes like papain make papaya or papaw truly unique when it comes to super fruits.  Papaya is also very beneficial for your cardiovascular system.  Rich in provitamin A carotenoids, Vitamin C, folate and dietary fiber, papaw or papaya also contains lots of Vitamin B in the form of folic acid, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B1 and riboflavin.  The skin, pulp and seeds of the juice booster ingredient papaya or papaw is also nutritious with high levels of phytochemicals including polyphenols and lycopene.  Pectin in papaya is also amazing.  Just add papaya into your smoothies and you’ll also be able to treat arthritis, osteoporosis or any other pain as papaws are known for their anti-inflammatory properties and promotes faster healing.  Also, papaya is used for treating colds throughout the world.  Just add papaya!

Broccoli super food additions

Top Juice Booster #15 > Just Add Broccoli

Broccoli is one of the healthiest vegetables in the world and it adds to both the flavor and texture of your cold pressed juice or morning smoothie.  With high levels of minerals, fiber, vitamins and even protein, broccoli is a welcome addition in order to elevate the nutritional value of your smoothies.  Containing powerful antioxidants, there are ongoing studies of how broccoli consumption can prevent and fight cancers.  In addition, your immune system is boosted considerably by just adding broccoli because of its richness in beta carotene, zinc and selenium.  Broccoli is also high in Vitamin C which is an anti-inflammatory and it also contains high levels of magnesium and potassium that help regulate your blood pressure.  Broccoli as a juice booster also helps fight heart disease and prevents strokes and atherosclerosis.  Vitamin K and calcium in broccoli also promote healthy bones and the folic acid prevents birth defects.  Just adding broccoli will create a great nutritional shake before a workout as well.  This top juice booster will add tonnes of protein (as much as corn or rice) but half the calories.  Just Add Broccoli today!


Just Add Good Stuff recommends adding some or all of the above juice boost ingredients into your daily smoothie or juice. Please consult with a health professional to make sure you are not allergic to any of these juice boosters. The 5 juice boost ingredients recommended in this article are: acai berry, turmeric, sunflower seeds, papaya/papaw and broccoli.


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