Just Add Supergrains (Set 2)

We touched on the difference between whole grains versus refined grains in Part 1 of Just Add Supergrains and in Part 2, we introduce 2 more fabulous new whole grains packed full of vitamins, minerals, fiber, protein and nutrients.  They include farro and amaranth.  Continue reading for more information about these 2 super grains you can add to your diet!


top health benefits of farro


Just Add Farro Supergrains!


What is Farro Supergrains?

Not many people have heard of farro.  The supergrain originates from Egypt and the Middle East and it is a chewy, wheat-like grain that tastes similar to barley.  Although it may seem trendy right now, it’s actually an ancient nutritional grain first domesticated over 10,000 years ago.  It now grows in central and northern Italy and throughout the Middle East.  Sometimes, people mistaken the farro supergrain with spelt which looks familiar but is an entirely different grain.  Please note that “farro” is often called ‘faro’ as well.  The Faro Supergrain is exactly the same as Farro (spelt with a double ‘r’).


Why You Should Add Farro Supergrains to your Grocery List

In a nutshell, the farro supergrain is often used as substitute for rice or pasta, and for good nutritional reasons.  Farro is a supergrain with a nutty flavour (like brown or dark rice) and it is extremely high in fiber, magnesium and vitamins A, B, C and E.  According to Ashley Koff dietitian, magnesium is often called ‘natures muscle relaxant’ and can be used to treat tension and cramps.  The fiber content is very high compared to other grains as well which aids in your digestion.  Farro’s complex carbohydrates also break down slowly, which help to keep your energy levels very stable.  The farro grain also contains cyanogenic glucosides which is a type of carbohydrate that boosts your immune system.


Farro Supergrains Nutrition Info


(1/4 cup)

Calories: 170

Carbs: 35g

Fibre: 5g

Protein: 7g

Fat: 1g



How To Eat Farro Supergrains

The farro grain is easy to cook and prepare and goes well with a kaleidoscope of dishes.  Taking over menus by storm the farro supergrain is now seen as a main ingredient in soups, salads, main entrees and even desserts. Here is an example of how farro is cooked and served: Soak the grains overnight, and drain. Combine 2 cups water with 1 cup farro and bring to a boil; then reduce heat, cover, and simmer 25 to 35 minutes. This is much like quinoa don’t you think? For 6 to 8 servings of a hearty vegetarian dish, chef Heap mixes 2 cups cooked farro with 1/2 pound sautéed shiitake mushrooms, ¼ cup cream, and ¼ cup Parmigiano-Reggiano, then simmers until thick, adding salt to taste. YUM!


top health benefits of amaranth

Just Add Amaranth Supergrains!


What is Amaranth Supergrain?

There are over 60 species of amaranth supergrain that come in a variety of colors.  Many of the species are actually considered weeds, but there are just as many that are cultivated as grains for consumption.  The origination of the amaranth supergrain is from South America and Mexico and the growth of this supergrain has seen crop yields throughout Asia and the Caribbean.  It’s definitely making its way to menus in North America and Europe now for good reason!


Why You Should Add Amaranth Supergrain to your Grocery List

The nutritional benefits of eating amaranth is why it’s been launched into the superfood category.  Firstly, amaranth is high in vitamins with a good source of Vitamin A, B6, K and C as well as folate and riboflavin.  In addition, the amaranth supergrain is high in numerous minerals that include calcium, potassium, iron, copper, magnesium, phosphorous and manganese.  The amaranth supergrain also contains large amounts of easily digestible proteins, and are unusually complete when compared with other plant sources of protein.  Lots of amino acids, dietary fiber and low fat are other great features of this ancient supergrain.  It’s also very palatable and easy/quick to cook.  The oils in the amaranth supergrain have been shown to prevent hypertension, and cardiovascular diseases in addition to lowering cholesterol.  It’s also an immune booster and prevents grey hair in early testing stages.


Caution: Amaranth’s moderately high content of oxalic acid inhibits much of the absorption of calcium and zinc. It should be avoided or eaten in moderation by those with gout, kidney disorders or rheumatoid arthritis. Reheating cooked amaranth is not recommended, particularly for consumption by young children, because the nitrates in the leaves can be converted to nitrites, as in spinach.


Amaranth Supergrain Nutrition Info


(100 grams)

Calories: 371

Carbs: 66g

Fibre: 7g

Protein: 14g

Fat: 7g


How To Eat Amaranth Supergrain

Bring 3 cups water or broth and 1 cup of amaranth seeds to a boil; cover and simmer 20 to 25 minutes, stirring occasionally. Cooked amaranth has an oatmeal-like consistency. Enjoy amaranth supergrain as a hot cereal, or use it to stuff mushrooms or tomatoes. When baking, replace up to ¼ of the white flour with amaranth flour.

BLACK is the new GREEN! 6 Amazing BLACK Superfoods!

If you asked most people what color foods contain the most nutrients, vitamins and minerals, they will point you towards green foods.  However, there are a number of studies and proven facts about how BLACK foods are just as good and in many ways, even better than green foods.


Black is the new green!  How so?  New studies show that many black or dark pigmented foods contain more antioxidants than lighter colored foods.  The high pigment content also gives more nutrient density, packing in more useful and vital vitamins and minerals into each bite.  Therefore, many nutritionists and dieticians now proclaim that Black is the new Green.  Dark fruits, veggies, produce and grains are nutritional powerhouses.  The dark black color comes from anthocyanins.  These anthocyanins cause dark pigmentation in fresh produce and whole foods and they may help lower the risks of diabetes, heart disease and cancer.  Black superfoods also contain higher levels of fiber, protein, antioxidants and phytonutrients when compared to there counterparts.  As well, black superfoods are now more readily available in local grocery stores.


In additional studies, researchers are also trying to figure out if these anthocyanins from black plants and whole foods can help treat cancers, heart diseases and diabetes.  Black foods can now be found in many supermarkets but if you can’t find any, try natural food stores and small local grocers.  So what are the best black foods?  And how is Black the new Green when it comes to diet and nutrition?  Find out more about Black is the new Green below:


Black tea superfood


Black Tea

Let’s start off with one of our favourite black foods.  Although white and green teas get all the diet and nutrition hype as some of the best healthy drinks in the world, black tea has many perks as well.  The dark pigmentation of black teas gives the drink theaflavins.  According to the New Jersey Rugers University, theaflavins are special antioxidants found in black tea that help improve muscle recovery during and after intense workouts and exercise.  In addition, theaflavin antioxidants in black tea may also help in healing muscle soreness.  Another health benefit of black tea is that studies have shown that is may also lower your risk of heart disease and heart attacks.  Just add black tea!


Black soybeans super food

Black Soybeans

Although yellow and green soybeans get all the attention (think edamame in Japanese cuisine), black soybeans are the real superfood when it comes to soy beans.  Although all soybean oils contain alpha linolenic acid, an omega-3 fatty acid which reduces the risk of heart disease, black soybean oil seems to contain the highest levels of this health benefit.  As well, a recent study from Korean researchers show that black soybeans also reduce the risk of thrombosis, a type of blood clot that is in some cases, fatal.  Just add black soybeans!


Black beans superfood

Black Beans

Just like black soybeans, black beans also contain higher levels of nutrients, omega-3 fatty acids and other minerals that aid in regular body function and combatting disease.  The dark black beans are packed with bioflavonoids.  According to Cornell University, the high levels of bioflavonoids in black beans help protect us from all forms of cancer.  The potent plant base nutrients are exceptional.  Just add black beans.




Often overlooked due to the hype surrounding goji berries, blueberries and acai berry, blackberries are actually some of the most nutritional dense berries.  High in fiber which aids in digestion, one cup of blackberries contains more than 30% of your daily fiber requirements!  In addition, blackberries also contain polyphenols which help reduce cognitive decline and aid in brain/nervous function.  The polyphenols help clean up cells that impair daily brain function according to Boston’s Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging.  Just add blackberries!


Black lentils super food

Black Lentils

Many vegans and vegetarians eat black lentils because of their high iron content.  About one cup of black lentils gives you close to 40% of your daily recommended intake of iron for women, which is just incredible.  In addition, lentils, specifically black lentils or those with a darker pigmentation, will contain high levels of soluble and digestible fiber.  This will help lower your cholesterol, improve immune function and even reduce your chance of heart disease according a new study done at the University of Illinois.  Just add black lentils!


Black rice is the new green

Black Rice

Most of us grew up eating white rice or brown rice.  Not many of us know that there is even black rice on the market.  Brown rice is better than white, but black is better than either of them.  That’s because the bran hull of black rice contains significantly higher amounts of Vitamin E.  As you know Vitamin E helps boost our immune system to combat diseases and it also protects our cells from free radical damage.  According to a recent study at the Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, black rice contains more anthocyanin antioxidants than blueberries!  Just add black rice!


The top 6 black superfoods explained in this article includes: black tea, black soybeans, black beans, blackberries, black lentils and black rice.