Spring is in the air! When spring comes along, we at Just Add Good Stuff just love the smell of dill and other herbs! In addition, it’s the perfect time for avocados … we mean really ripe and organic avocados from the local grocers.
Combining the two ingredients, organic dill and organic avocados, makes for a great Spring dip or spread. Whether you are hosting a lunch/dinner party or just relaxing outside with a book, try the avocado dill dip and spread for a healthy alternative to packaged dips. As you can see, ALL INGREDIENTS are completely RAW and ORGANIC. This easy-to-make and easy-to-follow AVOCADO DILL DIP RECIPE will only take you 10 minutes or less to prepare. And once you’ve tasted this avocado dill combination, you won’t want anything else!
Check out the avocado dill dip recipe below in addition to some top avocado health benefits and dill health benefits below for your perfect Spring snack that is both nutritional as well as filling!

Avocado Dill Dip Recipe
If you are looking for a quick and dirty recipe for an Avocado Dill Dip or Spread, here it is! This Avocado Dill recipe is enough for 2 to 4 people with organic crackers or gluten free bread. Can be used as a dip or a spread, whichever you like!
Please share with your friends and family!
Servings: 1 medium sized bowl
Preparation Time: 10 minutes (or less)
Here are the ingredients for the Avocado Dill Dip Recipe:
2 Avocados (overly ripe and organic if possible)
½ cup Lemon Juice (preferable freshly squeezed organic lemons)
¼ cup Dill (preferably fresh organic dill)
1 tsp Garlic (organic and minced)
1 tsp Agave (raw and organic … plus, this is optional!)
½ tsp Salt (unprocessed)
Here are the preparation directions for our favourite Avocado Dill Dip Recipe:
Step 1: Get your food processor out and plugged in
Step 2: Wash all of your ingredients
Step 3: Get the avocado meat out (see below section: The BEST WAY to Peel an Avocado > Avocado Preparation guide)
Step 4: Add the lemon juice into your food processor
Step 5: Add the dill (no need to chop it … but take the stems off)
Step 6: Add the finely minced garlic
Step 7: Add the agave syrup (if you want … no need to add agave)
Step 8: Add a pinch of salt
Step 9: Blend using your food processor for about 30 to 50 seconds
Step 10: Serve with crackers and/or bread
Step 11: Enjoy and share with your friends and family

The BEST WAY to Peel an Avocado > Avocado Preparation
It is vital that you learn how to prepare an Avocado via the best way to peel an avocado for your avocado dill dip recipe. A recent UCLA research team showed that in California organic avocados, the greatest concentration of beneficial carotenoids is in the dark green fruit of the avocado closest to the peel. Therefore, it is essential to learn how to prepare an Avocado the right way. To preserve the area with the greatest concentration of antioxidants, you basically want to peel the avocado with your hands, as you would a banana. The BEST WAY to Peel an Avocado in avocado preparation is as follows!
Step 1: First, cut the avocado length-wise, around the seed
Step 2: Holding each half, twist them in the opposite directions to separate them from the seed
Step 3: Remove the seed
Step 4: Cut each half, lengthwise
Step 5: Next, using your thumb and index finger, simply peel the skin off each piece
By following the above best way to peel an avocado, you can ensure the greatest concentration of antioxidant and nutrient levels in your avocado dill recipe.
Avocado Dill Health Benefits
Eating raw and organic avocados, dill and lemons have great health benefits and lots of nutritional value. The key here is that all ingredients are completely RAW and ORGANIC so that they retain all of their nutritional benefits and ultimately their health benefits. Here are some of the most notable benefits for each of the main ingredients in this avocado dill dip recipe.
Organic Dill Health Benefits
The health benefits of dill are well documented and tested. Here are our top 8 dill health benefits that you should be aware of: sleep aid, calming effect, bone health, anti-bacterial herb, fights free radicals and digestive benefits. In addition, other health benefits of dill include the treatment of headaches/migraines in addition to hiccups! Bet you didn’t know that!
Organic Avocado Health Benefits
The health benefits of avocados are also well documented and far reaching when it comes to personal health, nutrition and well being. Here are some of our favourite avocado health benefits in no particular order (there are many more, which we will write about in a separate article): lower cholesterol levels, assist in a healthy heart and circulatory system, control blood pressure (lowers stress) and features anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, the avocado health benefits also include promoting eye health, regulating blood sugar levels (important for diabetics), preventing birth defects and reducing the risk of strokes. Other great organic avocado health benefits include its use in skin care (treatment for psoriasis) in addition to increase in nutritional absorption during meals and a cure for bad breath! Bet you didn’t know this one either!
Organic Lemon Health Benefits
Just Add Good Stuff touched upon some health benefits of lemons in our blog post: WAKE UP AND DRINK THIS! Here are a few more health benefits of lemons that most people don’t know about: lemons can assist in abolishing acne, cure bad breath, help anxiety (lowers stress levels and decrease fatigue), treat canker sores and mouth sores. In addition, other organic lemon health benefits include treating fevers/migraines, treating the common cold or flu, treatment of eczema and healing hypertension. These are in addition to the lemon health benefit that we all know and hear about: balancing our body’s pH levels.