Aches and pains, cracks or rashes, sleeping disorders and stress may be a result of many things. When you are not feeling 100%, your body is likely telling you that something is wrong. Sometimes, the signs are quite apparent right away and at other times, they just build up over time.
Your body will go to any length to let you know when there is something wrong. With unhealthy diets, little nutrition knowledge and lack of fitness, many of us have become vitamin deficient or mineral deficient in multiple ways. The latest studies say that over 80% of all North Americans are either vitamin deficient and/or mineral deficient in at least 2 ways. You may not get a life threatening disease from vitamin deficiency, but you can end up with impaired body and mind function. This can cause many human disorders including stress, weight loss, weight gain, immune impairment, sleeping problems, cardiovascular and digestive problems.
Some of the disorders caused by mineral deficiency and vitamin deficiency are evident externally, while other deficiencies are undetectable as they affect the inside of our mind and body like a cancer. If left untreated, the deficiencies may lead to longer term problems. Both a healthy set of vitamins and minerals are essential in property function of our body and mind.

Here are 8 signs that you have a vitamin deficiency or a mineral deficiency or a combination of both:
Sign #1: Painful muscle cramps
Vitamin/Mineral Deficiency: If you are suffering from painful cramping of the muscles in your toes, legs, feet or lower back, you are likely deficient in CALCIUM, POTASSIUM and/or MAGNESIUM. This can be caused by irregular or low intake of these minerals and vitamins through your diet and/or heaving sweating from fitness or hot weather.
How to Fix the Vitamin Deficiency: While exercising, make sure that you are eating more fruits and vegetables that are high in calcium, potassium and magnesium as your body tends to sweat these minerals and vitamins away, leaving you malnourished. The quick and easy fix is to eat more dark leafy green vegetables such as spinach, kale and even dandelion. Other vegetables high in these minerals include bok choy (a Chinese vegetable) and broccoli. Fruits that are high in magnesium, potassium and calcium are bananas, squash, cherries, grapefruit (in moderation) and apples of all types. Whole foods that can also fix this vitamin deficiency include hazelnuts and almonds.
Sign #2: Abnormal bleeding and failure to clot
Mineral/Vitamin Deficiency: In many ways, this is one of the most worrying of the body clues because it involves blood. When you have more bleeding than usual and/or failure of your blood to clot (from injuries, nose bleeds or cuts), you may be deficient in CALCIUM, PHOSPHOLIPID, VITAMIN C and VITAMIN K. This is usually caused by a lower than recommended intake of these vitamins in your diet. If this is a regular occurrence, you may have one of many coagulation problems or diseases and you should consult your health physician as soon as possible.
How to Fix the Vitamin Deficiency: When you have problems with bleeding and clotting, you need to pay attention to this ASAP. Here are some foods that are rich in calcium and vitamins that will help your condition: pinto beans, red beans, white beans, tofu, bok choy, kale, spinach and broccoli. If you are not vegan, you can also try salmon and sardines which are high in calcium. Other foods that are rich in Vitamin C and K include oranges, grapefruit, strawberries, tomatoes, sweet red peppers, potatoes and broccoli.

Sign #3: Cold sores and mouth sores
Mineral/Vitamin Deficiency: From the higher level, cold sores are actually caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1 and it’s noted that most adults in North America have this virus. Usually, it is transferred via kissing or coming into close contact with someone who has an active outbreak. Certain things in our life and diet trigger the onset of cold and mouth sores, which can be prevented and treated in many ways including: flu/chest infections, exposure to sun, wind exposure, hormonal changes (like pregnancy) and emotional/physical stress. Therefore, cold sores are not directly linked to a vitamin deficiency or mineral deficiency.
How to Fix and Treat Cold Sores: although not directly caused by deficiencies in minerals or vitamins, cold sores can be treated and prevented by diet choices. Lysine is an essential amino acid that inhibits the spread of the herpes simplex virus. Foods that are rich in lysine include legumes (and for those we are not vegan, milk, fish, cheese and certain types of meat). In addition, lemon ointments, green tea, reishi, honey and zinc are all known to fight cold sores. Zinc is of particular note, because research studies have shown that zinc will make a cold sore go away faster.
Sign #4: Cracks around the mouth
Mineral/Vitamin Deficiency: This clue is different from the cold and mouth sores as this is just the cracking of the skin around your mouth. The vitamin and mineral deficiency when you have this condition is likely caused by a lack of IRON, INC, VITAMIN Bs like NIACIN (B3), RIBOFLAVIN (B2) and B12.
How to Fix Cracks Around Your Mouth: This is also an easy and quick fix. For vegans, look for legumes/lentils, peanuts, tahini, Swiss chard and sun dried tomatoes. In addition, for non-vegans, look to add poultry, certain seafoods (like oysters and clams), eggs and tuna into your diet. Vitamin C also enhances the absorption of iron, so pair the above iron rich foods with cauliflower, broccoli, kale and red bell peppers.

Sign #5: Abnormal numbness or tingling of the feet and/or hands
Vitamin/Mineral Deficiency: both tingling and numbness of the feet and/or hands is usually caused by a lack or deficiency in B VITAMINS. This lack of vitamins often causes anemia (destruction or slow development of red blood cells). This in turn results in hormonal imbalances, fatigue, depression and even anxiety. The deficiency in B Vitamins such as folate (B9), B12 and B6 can lead to more serious mental and body issues.
How to Fix this Vitamin Deficiency: Eat more organic vegetables that contain folate and other B Vitamins. These include beets, asparagus and spinach. Whole foods containing essential B Vitamins include black beans, lima beans, kidney beans and black beans. For non-vegans, add eggs, poultry, bi-valve seafood and octopus into your diet.
Sign #6: White or red acne like bumps all over
Mineral/Vitamin Deficiency: Most likely, you are deficient in multiple vitamins and minerals including: VITAMIN A, VITAMIN D and essential fatty acids. Sometimes it runs even deeper, as the red or white acne like bumps all over your body and face can be a result of a deficiency of beta carotene which the body uses to make Vitamin A. Untreated deficiencies of this type can lead to dry mucous membranes around the eyes, slow wound healing, cracked skin, dry and rough skin as well as reduced senses, so it can be serious!
How to Fix the White/Red Acne Like Bumps: Increase your daily intake of healthy fats (and reduce your intake of trans fats and saturated fats). This can be accomplished by eating more chia, hemp and flax seeds, walnuts and almonds and for non-vegans, sardines and salmon. For Vitamin A deficiencies, you can also add more dark leafy greens into your diet (including spinach and kale) in addition to vegetables like red bell peppers, sweet potatoes and of course, carrots.

Sign #7: Upset digestive system and bloating
The Vitamin Deficiency: If you are experiencing problems with your digestion, stomach aches and upset stomach after eating, you are likely deficient in VITAMIN B1 also called THIAMIN. The vitamin deficiency causes poor appetite, unintended weight loss, gastric upset, bloating, vomiting, and nausea. More serious forms of the Thiamin deficiency can even cause mental depression and an inability to concentrate.
The Fix for An Unhealthy Digestive System: There are many thiamin rich foods that you can add to your diet to fix the problems associated with stomach aches. These foods include: marmite (yeast extract), sesame butter/tahini, sunflower seeds, dried herbs (like coriander, poppy seeds and sage), pine nuts, pistachios, macadamia nuts, and pecans. Other non-vegan sources of thiamin include fish and pork chops. You can also try incorporating pro-biotics into your diet for better digestive system function.
Sign #8: Face rash and hair loss
Vitamin Deficiencies: Many people attribute both hair loss and a scaly red rash on the face to stress and lack of sleep. However, it can be a sign of a more serious vitamin deficiency that includes the lack of proper amounts of Biotin (Vitamin B7). This can cause not only pale, dry and scaly skin, both also emotional depression, upset stomach, loss of appetite, and hair loss. Unfortunately, our bodies are not designed to store most B vitamins, so we need to replenish them through diet and nutrition daily. In addition, weight lifters who eat raw eggs are particular vulnerable to a lack of Biotin (B7) because raw eggs are rich in avidin which decreases the absorption of Biotin in our system.
How to Fix the Face Rash and Hair Loss: For vegans, getting Biotin B7 vitamins into our system is as easy as eating more avocados, mushrooms, cauliflower, soy beans, nuts, bananas and raspberries. For non-vegans, you can eat for COOKED eggs (rather than raw eggs).
Do you have other weird body signs that you would like us at Just Add Good Stuff to research? Let us know and let’s continue this discussion!