LATER MEANS NEVER { especially when it comes to taking care of your health and staying active! }
LATER MEANS NEVER { especially when it comes to taking care of your health and staying active! }
Any food that requires enhancing by the use of chemical substances should in no way be considered a food – John Tobe
calories: tiny creatures that live in your closet and sew your clothes a little bit tighter every night
So many people spend their health gaining wealth, and then have to spend their wealth to regain their health – AJ Reb Mater
Eating for health isn’t extreme – it’s essential! – michael kenenth
Food is medicine, and the right kind of relationship with food can make a positive impact on your health – Hayley Hobson
Your body is the biggest investment that you will ever have in your life. Don’t abuse it! – Michael Kenneth
Everyone that you meet in your life knows something you don’t. listen. ask questions. learn. and keep learning – michael kenneth
CORE – BALANCE – STRENGTH. These are 3 things that you need in order to master the new fitness power moves that are inspired by some pilates, yoga, martial arts, core balance exercises and strength. In order to be a part of this new fitness movement, according to Details Magazine, one must increase their strength and balance and combine strength and skill in order to accomplish these incredible movements and exercises. Requiring more than muscle to master, it’s all about leverage, core strength and balance. Here are the new fitness power moves. Are you able to master these?
Sit with legs in diamond shape in front of you, soles of feet together. Lift and cradle right calf in front of chest with both arms, elbows bent, palms facing body, foot flexed. Grab right heel with right hand, left hand under right calf, and lift and hook right leg over right shoulder. Place left palm on floor outside of left leg and press into floor to lift butt slightly, then place right palm on floor in front of you. Lift left leg and cross left ankle over right, feet flexed. Use abs to lift butt and torso slightly forward, straightening legs out to right side.
And if you are not ready to do the Eight Angle Pose right now, you can get your arm balance ready by practising these following 3 moves.
Lie face-up, right leg extended about 3 inches off floor, left knee bent 90 degrees, hands behind head, right elbow touching left knee. Moving slowly and with control, switch sides, rotating torso to right, extending left leg out in front of you and bending right leg 90 degrees, touching left elbow to right knee for 1 rep. Do 10 reps slowly. Repeat 3 times.
Start in downward-facing dog, then lower forearms to floor, elbows directly under shoulders, and walk feet in a few inches toward head, pressing heels toward floor. Hold for 3 breaths, then lower knees to floor to relax. Repeat 3 times.
Start in downward-facing dog, then lift right leg to ceiling (three-legged dog), keeping hips facing forward. Shift forward to plank pose, bringing right knee into chest, back slightly rounded, palms pressing body away from floor, abs engaged, toes pointed. Hold for 3 breaths, then press back into three-legged dog. Repeat 5 times.
This article was originally published in Details Magazine in the June/July 2013 issue. All images are courtesy of Details Magazine and cannot be reproduced! Thank you.
Just Add Good Stuff presents “DAILY AFFIRMATIONS for a HEALTHY, HAPPY & WEALTHY LIFE” series. This is Set #8 following the hugely successful 1st set (click here), 2nd set (click here), 3rd set (click here), 4th set (click here), 5th set (click here), 6th set (click here) and the recently launched 7th set (click here)! The infographs serve as a reminder and guide to a healthy, more prosperous and happier life through nutrition, diet, and fitness.
Be Happy, Be Wealthy, Be Active and Be Free!
Just right-click to ‘save’ the images to your computer -OR- click on these images for the ‘full-size’ version.
Just Add Good Stuff presents some tips for a happy, successful and healthier life:
subtract the bad stuff in your life | definitely add more of the really good stuff
but everything in MODERATION | smile all the time | RELAX | re-connect with a friend
call a family member | buy from local grocers | recycle + compost | DON’T smoke
adopt an organic whole foods plant based DIET | drink lots of water | meditate
say NO to fast food | eat LOTS of veggies | get some SUN | prioritize
be SPECIFIC about your goals | continue dreaming + thinking BIG
forget about your EPIC MELTDOWN… there’s always next season