RECIPE > Mango Coconut Dessert Balls (completely raw)

Looking to impress your friends and family with a healthy raw dessert? Are you vegan and want to learn more about nutritious dessert possibilities? Here is our first raw dessert ball recipe that is completely organic, raw, unprocessed and delicious! Welcome to clean eating at its best!

When it comes to dessert, it’s tough to find recipes that don’t contain a high level of refined sugars, processed ingredients, gluten and other foods detrimental to our health and well-being. However, our Just Add Good Stuff raw mango coconut dessert ball recipe is a dish that is completely vegan, gluten-free and refined sugar free. This nutritious and addictive treat is great for dinner parties and also serves as a healthy snack for kids. The raw mango coconut dessert ball recipe is easy to follow and quick to prepare. Plus, there’s no cooking involved, so all of the nutrients, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other good stuff stay 100% intact! Below is the recipe and preparation details for our Mango Coconut Dessert Balls.




Raw Mango Coconut Dessert Ball Recipe

Please share with your friends and family!

Servings: 10-12 dessert balls
Preparation Time: 10 minutes
Freezing Time: 30 minutes to 1 hour


Here are the ingredients for the Raw Mango Coconut Dessert Ball Recipe:

  • 1½ cup of shredded coconut (organic, dried and unsulfured)
  • 1 cup mango (organic, dried and unsulfured… approximately 100 grams)
  • 1/8 cup agave syrup or maple syrup (works as binding agent, can be substituted using flax/water)
  • 2-3 tbsp coconut oil (raw and virgin)
  • 1-2 tsp lemon zest (organic)
  • 3 tbsp mango nectar (pure, organic and no added sugar)
  • ¼ cup of shredded coconut (for rolling, optional)



Here are the preparation directions for our Gluten Free, Vegan Dessert Ball Recipe:


Step 1: Plug in your food processor
Step 2: Place all ingredients (except for shredded coconut used for rolling) into food processor
Step 3: Process until it becomes a sticky wet dough
Step 4: Form into balls and roll in remaining shredded coconut (or lay the entire mixture into a baking pan and sprinkle the remaining shredded coconut on top)
Step 5: Place into fridge for at least 2 hours (or the freezer for 30 minutes)
Step 6: Enjoy and Share with friends

* Leave the mango coconut dessert balls in the fridge if not eaten straight away. You can leave the dessert balls refrigerated for at least 5 days. Or you can put them in the freezer to keep them longer. Thaw at room temperature before serving if this is the case.

About Mike’s Raw Balls

Mike’s Raw Balls TM are raw dessert balls made from real, natural, organic, non-GMO and nutritious ingredients.  Just Add Good Stuff endorses Mike’s Raw Balls TM as a healthy alternative to processed snacks and desserts.  Containing only natural and non-modified ingredients, many of Mike’s Raw Balls TM contain a great balance of whole foods (nuts and seeds) in combination with unsulfured and unsweetened fruits (both fresh and dried).  Other additions to Mike’s Raw Balls TM include superfoods like chia seeds, hemp seeds, spirulina, chaga, goji berries, maca powder and raw cacao nibs.  Mike’s Raw Balls are certified organic and GMO-free.  The raw dessert balls contain no heated or pasteurized ingredients.  In addition, Mike’s Raw Balls TM are completely vegan/vegetarian, gluten-free and dairy free.  The snacks and desserts contain absolutely no modified corn or soy ingredients.  Mike’s Raw Balls TM are all about healthy living through nutritional foods that are organic and raw.

RECIPE > Strawberry Mango Salad Dressing

Want a great spring/summer salad dressing recipe?  Look no further as Just Add Good Stuff is publishing their favorite Strawberry Mango Salad Dressing recipe right here!


Strawberries and mango are a perfect pairing when it comes to flavours, textures, colours and nutrition.  Both of these fabulous and nutritious fruits are combined in this simple and very quick salad dressing recipe that can go on any spring or summer mixed green salad.  Personally, we love the combination of fresh organic spinach, arugula, kale, cucumber and lettuce coupled with this Strawberry Mango Salad Dressing, but it’s really up to you.  Below is our recipe … let us know what you think and how we can improve it!




Strawberry Mango Salad Dressing Recipe

Please share with your friends and family!

Servings: enough for a starter salad for 6-8 people

Preparation Time: 5 to 10 minutes





Here are the ingredients for the Strawberry Mango Salad Dressing:


1 mango (organic, ripe, champagne mangos are preferable)

8 strawberries (organic, ripe and large size, de-stemmed)

1/8 cup almond oil

1/3 cup lemon juice

1/3 cup lime juice

1/3 cup mango nectar (organic, no sugar added!)

2 tbsp orange juice (freshly squeezed, organic)

2 tsp lemon zest

1 pinch salt

Here are the preparation directions for the Strawberry Mango Salad Dressing:


Step 1: Wash all fresh ingredients thoroughly

Step 2: Cut the fruit from the mango.  Try to get the least amount of ‘mango hair’ when cutting close to the pit.

Step 3: Add all of the ingredients into a blender or food processor.

Step 4: Blend the mixture until it is completely smooth

Step 5: Empty salad dressing into a serving container or a sealed jar for up to 5 days

Step 6: Serve with a mixed green salad of your choice

Step 7: Enjoy and Share with your friends and family




Remember that cooking is all about experimenting and changing things up all the time.


For instance, this Strawberry Mango Salad Dressing recipe can easily be converted into a spread or dip.  By combining these ingredients along with some banana or avocado, you can easily make this salad dressing recipe into a thicker dip that goes well with gluten free crackers and breads.


Alternatively, the Strawberry Mango Salad Dressing recipe can also be cooked with chia seeds in order to create a jelly or jam spread.  This will be even thicker than the dip and will likely be sweeter as most of the moisture of the fruits will be boiled away.


Of course, Just Add Good Stuff promotes healthy, organic and raw foods as much as possible … so the closer it is to its natural state, the better and more nutritious the ingredients will be for your mind and body.

GOING VEGAN > How Veganism Has Changed My Life

My Vegan Experience > What I’ve Learned by Going Vegan

Since embarking on my vegan journey this year, I’ve received incredible support from family, friends and strangers.  I have to admit that many people, including myself, were very skeptical about veganism and how I could manage without eating my favourite foods that included fast foods, fruit juice and lots of candy.  It’s now been more than 5 months since my vegan experience began and this article serves to talk about things that I’ve learned by going vegan and how my life has changed due to veganism.


My initial goals for going vegan and learning about veganism included the following:

1. Live a healthier and happier life through a vegan diet and vegan lifestyle

2. Educate myself on general health and vegan nutrition programs

3. Become more aware of what I’m putting into and on my body through making tough conscious decisions

4. Debunk myths about veganism or vegans that were unconsciously planted in my brain during my adolescence

5. Continue my ever changing fitness and core training routines

6. Learn to cook (both raw dishes and cooked meals) that follow a vegan diet

7. Talk to and research about vegans or people who have experienced going vegan

8. Watch at least one documentary per week about food, water, whole foods plant based diets, veganism, vegetarianism, physiology or happiness/emotions

9. Inspire those around me to adopt a vegan diet and to experience veganism (for perhaps 1 month at least)


I haven’t felt more physically and mentally strong since going vegan five months ago.  It’s been a life-changing experience so far, and this 1 year experiment may need to last a lifetime.  I’m really enjoying educating myself about veganism and what it means to be vegan in addition to becoming more aware of everything surrounding us when it comes to our food supply, diet and fitness.  All of these things contribute to a healthier and happier life and I’m very grateful to have embarked on this vegan experience at this point in my life.  If you are interested in learning more about my first 5 months of going vegan, please read below.



My Vegan Experience > 10 Unexpected Personal Benefits of Going Vegan

1. Going vegan has allowed me to sleep a lot better.  I’ve never slept through a night before (unless with harmful medication), but now, I get at least 5 to 6 hours of solid sleep a night.  I attribute this to my vegan diet and lifestyle.

2. Simply said: I don’t get painful migraines anymore.  I used to get at least a migraine every other day.  They were painful and crippling both physiologically and mentally.  I couldn’t work, play or relax.  I haven’t had a single migraine since starting my vegan diet!

3. I also used to get allergies throughout the year that were triggered by pollen, temperature or altitude changes.  These allergies were often debilitating, causing an unstoppable runny nose, itchy eyes and migraines.  I still get allergies, but certainly not as bad as before I went vegan.  If I get a runny nose or itchy eyes, I can take a half dose antihistamine and the allergy will disappear completely.

4. Since my vegan experience began, my body weight has continued to be very stable (around 155-160 pounds).  As an athletic person who weight trains, I certainly didn’t want to lose any body weight or muscle mass by cutting out animal based proteins and whey protein powders from my daily routine.  However, I’m pleased to say that I’ve found plenty of plant based natural protein sources to accommodate my protein needs for fitness.

5. Further to my body’s physiological changes, I’ve noticed that my body fat content has actually decreased since going vegan.  I’ve now got a more ‘defined’ body that actually looks ‘more muscular’ even though my body weight hasn’t changed.

6. By switching to a whole foods plant based diet, I no longer have extreme tiredness in the afternoon (I often had to take naps around 2-3pm).  I also don’t have the sugar spikes and troughs throughout the day, which has lead to a more balanced and healthy life.

7. My teeth are whiter than before.  Yes, that’s correct!  My teeth have increasingly become more white since cutting out candy, refined sugars and sugary drinks from my diet.

8. My digestion is better and I’m more regular (enough said).  I also don’t get heartburn, cramps or bloating anymore (enough said there too).

9. I’m a lot less anxious now.  Whether it was too much caffeine or refined sugars, I was always anxious about something: work, schedules, travel and everything else.  Now, I feel like I’m a lot calmer and more patient with everything… which is who I was when I was younger.  It’s nice to get this feeling back. It’s great to have control again.

10. My skin is clearer and my hair is healthier and shinier.  I’ve also noticed that other small things have changed gradually, including healthier looking skin, hair and nails.

My Vegan Experience > 10 Interesting Things I’ve Learned by Going Vegan

1. Never assume anything.  Always educate yourself in what matters most to you.  If it’s veganism or going vegan or health & nutrition in general, self-educate.  It’s a life changing skill, so work on it!

2. My top 10 superfoods include: spirulina, raw cacao, maca, papaya, kale, spinach, chia, hemp, flax, lemon.  These are followed closely by: banana, goji, almond, pistachio, wheatgrass, blueberry, ginger and broccoli.

3. Top 10 food products that are most susceptible to food fraud: milk, olive oil, honey, saffron, fish, coffee, orange juice, apple juice, black pepper and tea leaves.

4. Dirty Dozen fruits and vegetables that are laced with pesticides: apples, celery, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, grapes, hot peppers, imported nectarines, peaches, potatoes, spinach, strawberries and sweet bell peppers.  This is followed closely by kale and summer squash.

5. Clean Fifteen fruits and vegetables that are the cleanest and contain the fewest pesticides: asparagus, avocados, cabbage, cantaloupe, sweet corn, eggplant, grapefruit, kiwi fruit, mangos, mushrooms, onions, papayas, pineapples, sweet peas (frozen) and sweet potatoes.

6. The United States just approved a pesticide that has been linked to the Honeybee Colony Collapse Disorder or CCD whilst the European Union just banned the same substance for at least 2 years.

7. Always buy organic, locally grown produce.  Not only are they the safest to consume, but they are also the healthiest when it comes to nutritional value.

8. Almonds, cashews and hazelnuts have the highest nutritional value when it comes to nut nutrition.  This is followed by pistachios and peanuts.  Of course, these nuts should be roasted and not salted.

9. There are always more healthy alternatives and substitutes for unhealthy foods and processed products.  Take for instance… baking and eggs are synonymous with each other.  However, you can easily substitute an egg with 1 tablespoon of flax with 4 tablespoons of water when baking.  Or, you can also substitute refined sugar with organic dates, coconut palm sugar, stevia or honey.

10. Our bodies require a lot less food (in terms of weight/quantity) when we focus on eating nutritious whole foods and plant based foods.  Our bodies are filled with more nutritious calories (versus empty calories) which tell us to stop eating sooner.  Because of this, we spend less money on food now when compared to the pre-vegan lifestyle.  Now that’s food for thought.



My Vegan Experience > 5 Other Funny, Weird and Wacky Things About My Experience Going Vegan

1. It has only been 5 months, but organic wheatgrass has NOT stopped my hair from turning grey, nor has it turned my grey hair back to black.  Perhaps it’s just a myth, or maybe I need to keep growing and eating wheatgrass to see these benefits.  In any case, I’m not taking wheatgrass so that I stop greying … my friends tell me that I look more distinguished and perhaps sexy with grey.

2. I buy all of my organic produce from a local market on my way back from the gym.  It’s a family run Chinese market that sources fresh, organic and beautiful vegetables and fruit that I can’t get anywhere else.  They refer to me as ‘The Papaya Man’.  But lately, I’ve bought more organic kale than papaya, and so they’ve changed my name to ‘The Healthy Kale Guy’.  They’ll probably end up just calling me ‘The Strange Vegan Guy’.

3. Because I wanted a true vegan experience, I decided to start a vegetable garden in my backyard.  One day, the topsoil (essentially, it was shit … but I hate to use that word, but it really was just shit) arrived and they dumped it all in the back lane that is used often by my neighbours.  Unfortunately for me, I had to spend hours shoveling this manure into my vegetable gardens … it was tough work, smelled really horrific, but hopefully it was worth it.

4. While going out with friends and family, I often felt like a ‘social pariah’.  I felt like an outcast and sort of ‘isolated’ from my friends because not many other people were going through my vegan experience at the same time.  In addition, many people often made fun of my vegan diet and veganism in general, which was hard to take at first.  However, as time went by, I realized that these people were manifesting their own fears and doubts about their own diet, nutrition and fitness.  In many ways, there were only trying to justify their unhealthy lifestyle by putting down veganism, which is unfortunate.

5. When I went vegan, I didn’t know what kale, Swiss chard, spirulina, raw cacao or maca were.  No idea.  Didn’t know if they were vegetables or fruits or meat or whole foods.  Things have changed.


I started my ‘vegan’ experience by gradually taking out the ‘bad stuff’ and ‘bad food’ in my diet while continuing to exercise at least 5 times per week.  I didn’t go cold turkey on things like organic meats (mainly chicken and beef), gluten or dairy products.  I did, however, go cold turkey on all candy and fast food from the beginning. It took about 30 days (1 month) to get from a very unhealthy lifestyle to a completely healthy vegan diet and nutrition program.


I understand that many people don’t have the support network, time or commitment to make a full scale life-long change to veganism, and that’s why I started Just Add Good Stuff.  I want to inspire people to take on a whole foods plant based diet as much as possible, but I also understand the complexities of everyday life that are so unique to every person.

Therefore, Just Add Good Stuff, is all about taking the ‘bad stuff’ out of our lives gradually while adding more ‘good stuff’.  By doing so, you can still enjoy life to its fullest … and in many ways, by taking care of your health first, you will be much happier, successful and healthier in everyday life.


I am proud to call myself a vegan.  Now, I challenge you…

RECIPE > Quick ‘n Healthy Power Lunch

Often find yourself scrambling to find something for lunch? Or you just need a quick lunch option that will take less than 5 minutes to prepare? Or are you looking for a lunch that will satisfy not only your nutritional needs for the afternoon, but something that is full of antioxidants, vital minerals, vitamins and trace elements?

Look NO further as we have the perfect Quick ‘n Healthy Power Lunch recipe just for you! These easy to find organic ingredients include: quick oats, dried goji berries, fresh organic wild blueberries, ground flax seeds, hemp seeds, chia seeds and bananas.




The Quick ‘n Healthy Power Lunch Recipe

Please share with your friends and family!

Servings: 1 bowl fit for 1 person

Preparation Time: 5 minutes (or less)


Here are the ingredients for the Quick ‘n Healthy Power Lunch Recipe:


½ cup to 1 full cup of quick oats (or equivalent)

1 tbsp of ground flax seeds (organic and raw)

1 tbsp of hemp seeds (organic and raw)

1 tsp of ground chia seeds (organic and raw)

1 tbsp of goji berries (dried organic or fresh if possible)

15-20 blueberries (wild organic if possible)

½ banana (organic)


Here are the preparation directions for our Quick ‘n Healthy Power Lunch:


Step 1: Wash all fresh berries and banana

Step 2: Combine all ingredients into a bowl

Step 3: Add hot water

Step 4: Stir and Enjoy!




This quick and nutritious lunch should get you through the afternoon as it packs a powerful list of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids.  The combination of these superfoods will aid in maintaining your digestive, circulatory, mental/nervous and immune system throughout the day.

Best of all, the entire bowl of the Quick ‘n Healthy Power Lunch will be less than 180 calories with very little fat (about 4-5 grams).  Not only that, it’s very low in sodium (less than 10mg) and high in carbohydrates (around 30 grams).  More than 20% of your daily requirement for fibre is satisfied (the single bowl has over 5 grams of fibre) and it packs very little sugar (less than 2 grams, all of which is completely natural and unrefined).  The Quick ‘n Healthy Power Lunch recipe is also moderately high in protein (around 6-8 grams) and contains a decent amount of potassium, iron, calcium and Vitamins A and C.  As mentioned above, the recipe also features high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants.

Make your oatmeal even more nutritionally rewarding!

If you are looking for an even healthier and more nutritious oatmeal based lunch, try adding: 1 tsp of spirulina powder, 1 tsp maca powder, 1 tbsp of sunflower seeds and/or 1 tbsp of pumpkin seeds.

Rip Esselstyn’s Whole Foods Plant Based Diet Books & Videos!

You’ve probably heard the name before. Your friends may have mentioned Rip Esselystyn in passing or you may have watched Forks Over Knives, an eye opening food documentary about health, diet and nutrition.

Wherever you’ve heard the name Rip Esselstyn is not important. What’s important is Rip Esselstyn’s teachings on whole foods plant based diets. Not only that, but this hunk is also a best selling author with his health/nutrition and recipe book The Engine 2 Diet: The Texas Firefighter’s 28-Day Save-Your-Life Plan that Lowers Cholesterol and Burns Away the Pounds, which was also featured on Forks Over Knives. Since then, he is following up with a 2nd book called Rip Esselstyn My Beef with Meat: The Healthiest Argument for Eating a Plant-Strong Diet. Here’s more about this amazing role model…


Rip Esselystyn Background

Rip was born in Upstate New York and attended the University of Texas at Austin on a swimming scholarship between 1982 and 1986. During that time, Rip Esselstyn was an All American swimmer, winning numerous swimming awards during this collegiate years and becoming a household name on the swimming circuit. After University, Rip Esselstyn became a successful triathlete, competing against the world’s best for over 10 years. In late 1990’s Rip retired from being a pro-triathlete and became a professional firefighter and emergency medical technician. Soon after getting his certifications, Rip Esselstyn started working at the Austin Fire Department’s Engine 2.



The Rip Esselstyn Whole Foods Plant Based Diet

As with most people in North America, Rip Esselstyn grew up eating a standard ‘Western-style diet’ which consisted mainly of animal protein, some vegetables and fruit, lots of carbohydrates and starch and of course, fast food and soda drinks. What’s interesting is that during Rip Esselstyn’s triathlete competition years, he switched over to a whole foods plant based diet. He was inspired by some of his dad’s teachings in this subject area and decided to go into an entirely whole foods plant based diet as of 1987, years before he retired from competing in professional triathletes.

In collaboration with Gene Stone, Rip Esselstyn published his first book, The Engine 2 Diet: The Texas Firefighter’s 28-Day Save-Your-Life Plan that Lowers Cholesterol and Burns Away the Pounds back in 2009 and it quickly became a best-selling health, nutrition and diet related book of all time. The Rip Esselstyn whole foods plant based diet was based on his personal experiences from switching between a Western style diet to this whole foods plant based routine. Part of the reason why he published Rip Esselstyn The Engine 2 Diet: The Texas Firefighter’s 28-Day Save-Your-Life Plan that Lowers Cholesterol and Burns Away the Poundsbook was also because the number of cardiac related emergencies he saw as a firefighter. As we all know, integrating a whole foods plant based diet such as Rip Esselstyn’s The Engine 2 Diet lifestyle will help reduce the risk of cardiac diseases and heart attacks. The Engine 2 Diet by Rip Esselstyn and Gene Stone appeared on the New York Times Best Seller List and was endorsed by many celebrities, notable public servants and others. You can learn more here:

Rip Esselstyn’s whole foods plant based diet book The Engine 2 Dietalso made it onto the highly acclaimed Forks Over Knives documentary. Forks Over Knives is one of Just Add Good Stuff’s most favorite food documentaries and is a must-see! The Engine 2 Diet on Forks Over Knives solidified Rip Esselstyn place as one of the leading role models for a whole foods plant based diet and lifestyle. What Forks Over Knives and The Engine 2 Diet combination did for many people is that someone such as Rip Esselstyn, can live an extremely healthy and fit lifestyle while incorporating many ‘scary’ diet and nutrition related changes to their lives. In many ways, Rip Esselstyn’s appearance on Forks Over Knives showed that it can be done with commitment, awareness and self-education. The movie was quickly followed by Forks Over Knives Presents The Engine 2 Kitchen Rescue with Rip Esselstyn.



Rip Esselstyn My Beef with Meat: The Healthiest Argument for Eating a Plant-Strong Diet

Rip’s latest book was released in mid May 2013 and is called Rip Esselystyn My Beef with Meat: The Healthiest Argument for Eating a Plant-Strong Diet. Not only does it contain a lot of new material, but My Beef with Meat: The Healthiest Argument for Eating a Plant-Strong Diet by Rip Esselstyn but it also has 140 new Engine 2 Diet recipes that are healthy, easy to follow and quick to prepare (as usual). Great tips and recommendations are also made throughout the book and you can easily purchase it on Amazon (hard copy or Kindle) as of mid May. In essence, My Beef with Meat: The Healthiest Argument for Eating a Plant-Strong Diet by Rip Esselstyn is a follow up to his The Engine 2 Diet book. The first book was mainly recipe based, while Rip’s second book, My Beef with Meat: The Healthiest Argument for Eating a Plant-Strong Diet is more about education and dispelling many myths surrounding health and nutrition. Rip argues that many of today’s worst diseases are diet related and therefore, can easily be reversed with the implementation of a plant strong diet, as explained in My Beef with Meat: The Healthiest Argument for Eating a Plant-Strong Diet by Rip Esselstyn. Here is the background information about My Beef with Meat on Amazon:

For the millions who are following a plant-based diet, as well as those meat-eaters who are considering it, MY BEEF WITH MEAT is the definitive guide to convincing all that it’s truly the best way to eat! New York Times Bestelling author of The Engine 2 Diet and nutrition lecturer Rip Esselstyn, is back and ready to arm readers with the knowledge they need to win any argument with those who doubt the health benefits of a plant-based diet–and convince curious carnivores to change their diets once and for all. Rip Esselstyn reveals information on the foods that most people believe are healthy, yet that scientific research shows are not. Some foods, in fact, he deems so destructive they deserve a warning label. Want to prevent heart attacks, stroke, cancer and Alzheimer’s? Then learn the facts and gain the knowledge to convince those skeptics that they are misinformed about plant-base diets, for instance:

You don’t need meat and dairy to have strong bones or get enough protein
You get enough calcium and iron in plants
The myth of the Mediterranean diet
There is a serious problem with the Paleo diet
If you eat plants, you lose weight and feel great

My Beef with Meat by Rip Esselstyn proves the Engine 2 way of eating can optimize health and ultimately save lives and includes more than 145 delicious recipes to help readers reach that goal.



Here are some of his other teachings:

Eating a plant-strong diet is the best way to fight the dangerous fires raging inside us—fires that create all the chronic Western ailments including heart attack, stroke, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, and diabetes.

The fat and cholesterol in animal products clogs up arteries and can cause impotence, which research shows may be an early sign of heart disease. But men, you can treat this without Viagra. Instead, eat fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and beans.

Some people ask: is Rip Esselstyn gay?  Because Rip is so secretive with his personal life, many people have asked that question at least once: Rip Esselstyn gay?  Most indications is that Rip Esselstyn is NOT gay.  However, many journalists looking for the latest scoop on Rip Esselstyn’s sexuality have always brought this topic up to garner more followers (which to us is disgusting).  For gay men, Rip Esselstyn gay would be unreal.  To them, a gay Rip Esselstyn will break down all barriers in terms of sexuality and masculinity.  So when you ask is Rip Esselstyn gay, who really cares?  He is a role model for EVERYONE … a handsome firefighter dedicated to bringing awareness to health, diet, nutrition and fitness.  He is also a dedicated spokesperson for clean eating whole foods plant based diets.  Yes he’s handsome, well spoken and a great role model … and because of his secretive personal life, this doesn’t mean that Rip Esselstyn is gay at all.  What is means is that there are certainly lots of people who want a gay Rip Esselstyn … and it’s certainly just their dream.

The only nutrient that plant-based foods lack is vitamin B12. But you can get a daily supply by downing a glass of fortified soy milk or a bowl of fortified cereal.

Some trendy diets claim that all carbohydrates are bad guys, yet of the three macro-nutrients that provide calories in our diet (carbs, protein, and fat), carbohydrates are the body’s primary fuel source. They’re responsible for managing your heart rate, digestion, breathing, exercising, walking, and thinking.

RECIPE > Avocado Dill Dip Recipe

Spring is in the air! When spring comes along, we at Just Add Good Stuff just love the smell of dill and other herbs! In addition, it’s the perfect time for avocados … we mean really ripe and organic avocados from the local grocers.

Combining the two ingredients, organic dill and organic avocados, makes for a great Spring dip or spread. Whether you are hosting a lunch/dinner party or just relaxing outside with a book, try the avocado dill dip and spread for a healthy alternative to packaged dips. As you can see, ALL INGREDIENTS are completely RAW and ORGANIC. This easy-to-make and easy-to-follow AVOCADO DILL DIP RECIPE will only take you 10 minutes or less to prepare. And once you’ve tasted this avocado dill combination, you won’t want anything else!

Check out the avocado dill dip recipe below in addition to some top avocado health benefits and dill health benefits below for your perfect Spring snack that is both nutritional as well as filling!


Avocado Dill Dip and Spread


Avocado Dill Dip Recipe

If you are looking for a quick and dirty recipe for an Avocado Dill Dip or Spread, here it is! This Avocado Dill recipe is enough for 2 to 4 people with organic crackers or gluten free bread. Can be used as a dip or a spread, whichever you like!

Please share with your friends and family!

Servings: 1 medium sized bowl
Preparation Time: 10 minutes (or less)

Here are the ingredients for the Avocado Dill Dip Recipe:

2 Avocados (overly ripe and organic if possible)
½ cup Lemon Juice (preferable freshly squeezed organic lemons)
¼ cup Dill (preferably fresh organic dill)
1 tsp Garlic (organic and minced)
1 tsp Agave (raw and organic … plus, this is optional!)
½ tsp Salt (unprocessed)

Here are the preparation directions for our favourite Avocado Dill Dip Recipe:

Step 1: Get your food processor out and plugged in
Step 2: Wash all of your ingredients
Step 3: Get the avocado meat out (see below section: The BEST WAY to Peel an Avocado > Avocado Preparation guide)
Step 4: Add the lemon juice into your food processor
Step 5: Add the dill (no need to chop it … but take the stems off)
Step 6: Add the finely minced garlic
Step 7: Add the agave syrup (if you want … no need to add agave)
Step 8: Add a pinch of salt
Step 9: Blend using your food processor for about 30 to 50 seconds
Step 10: Serve with crackers and/or bread
Step 11: Enjoy and share with your friends and family


Avocado Dill spread is healthy and easy to prepare with this recipe


Health benefits of avocado and dill




The BEST WAY to Peel an Avocado > Avocado Preparation

It is vital that you learn how to prepare an Avocado via the best way to peel an avocado for your avocado dill dip recipe. A recent UCLA research team showed that in California organic avocados, the greatest concentration of beneficial carotenoids is in the dark green fruit of the avocado closest to the peel. Therefore, it is essential to learn how to prepare an Avocado the right way. To preserve the area with the greatest concentration of antioxidants, you basically want to peel the avocado with your hands, as you would a banana. The BEST WAY to Peel an Avocado in avocado preparation is as follows!

Step 1: First, cut the avocado length-wise, around the seed
Step 2: Holding each half, twist them in the opposite directions to separate them from the seed
Step 3: Remove the seed
Step 4: Cut each half, lengthwise
Step 5: Next, using your thumb and index finger, simply peel the skin off each piece

By following the above best way to peel an avocado, you can ensure the greatest concentration of antioxidant and nutrient levels in your avocado dill recipe.


Avocado Dill Health Benefits

Eating raw and organic avocados, dill and lemons have great health benefits and lots of nutritional value. The key here is that all ingredients are completely RAW and ORGANIC so that they retain all of their nutritional benefits and ultimately their health benefits. Here are some of the most notable benefits for each of the main ingredients in this avocado dill dip recipe.


Organic Dill Health Benefits

The health benefits of dill are well documented and tested. Here are our top 8 dill health benefits that you should be aware of: sleep aid, calming effect, bone health, anti-bacterial herb, fights free radicals and digestive benefits. In addition, other health benefits of dill include the treatment of headaches/migraines in addition to hiccups! Bet you didn’t know that!


Organic Avocado Health Benefits

The health benefits of avocados are also well documented and far reaching when it comes to personal health, nutrition and well being. Here are some of our favourite avocado health benefits in no particular order (there are many more, which we will write about in a separate article): lower cholesterol levels, assist in a healthy heart and circulatory system, control blood pressure (lowers stress) and features anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, the avocado health benefits also include promoting eye health, regulating blood sugar levels (important for diabetics), preventing birth defects and reducing the risk of strokes. Other great organic avocado health benefits include its use in skin care (treatment for psoriasis) in addition to increase in nutritional absorption during meals and a cure for bad breath! Bet you didn’t know this one either!


Organic Lemon Health Benefits

Just Add Good Stuff touched upon some health benefits of lemons in our blog post: WAKE UP AND DRINK THIS! Here are a few more health benefits of lemons that most people don’t know about: lemons can assist in abolishing acne, cure bad breath, help anxiety (lowers stress levels and decrease fatigue), treat canker sores and mouth sores. In addition, other organic lemon health benefits include treating fevers/migraines, treating the common cold or flu, treatment of eczema and healing hypertension. These are in addition to the lemon health benefit that we all know and hear about: balancing our body’s pH levels.

RECIPE > Quinoa Coconut Vegetable Main Dish

Quinoa-this and quinoa-that … all we hear about today is people cooking, eating, baking and preparing quinoa.  I must admit that I was one of those skeptics.  I didn’t know what quinoa was or how it tasted or even why there was so much fuss about it.  Never grew up eating it and I can’t imagine that my parents would know what it is to this day.  But there it is … quinoa is prevalent in grocery stores, restaurants and your friends’ place.

Before we get to the recipe for Quinoa Coconut Vegetable main dish, we wanted to talk about quinoa itself, because it is fascinating.


Quick Facts about Quinoa


Firstly, quinoa is gluten-free, grain-free, nut-free, vegan, vegetarian and paleo sensitive.  That’s a mouthful!  In other words, there isn’t a better superfood than quinoa when it comes to specialized diets.

Secondly, 1 single serving of quinoa (usually 1/4 cup of quinoa before cooked) will give you almost 50% of your daily magnesium requirements for your body!

Thirdly, as most people are sensitive to the breakdown of the nutrition, quinoa nutritional value is amazing.  Approximately 70% of quinoa nutrition through its calorie ratio is carbs, only 14% fat (good fat, that is) and about 16 per cent is pure protein (much more than rice). Yum.

Fourthly, quinoa is native to South America and there are many varieties.

Lastly, most quinoa recipes are quick and dirty.  These fast quinoa recipes make your life that much easier … especially in today’s fast pace world.  If you are a single mom or a professional couple … or a growing family or retiree, cooking quinoa literally takes 15 minutes or less.  So yes, most quinoa recipes are quick and will take you less time than waiting in line at a drive-through burger joint.


Quinoa Coconut Vegetable Recipe


If you are looking for a quick quinoa recipe to follow easily, here is our new Quinoa Coconut Vegetable recipe that won’t disappoint!

Servings: 1 as a main dish (or 2 if served as an appetizer or side)

Preparation Time: 5 minutes

Cooking Time: 15 minutes


Here are the ingredients for the Quinoa Coconut Vegetable dish:

1/2 cup Quinoa (preferably organic)

1 cup Coconut Water (with pulp)

1/4 cup Coconut Meat (use fresh, young coconut – optional)

1 Carrot (organic, medium sized)

2 bunches of Kale (organic leafy or dinosaur Kale)

1 handful of Spinach (organic)

10 Beans (combination of organic yellow and green beans)

1 Lime (organic)

1 tsp Cumin Seeds

1 tsp Chilli Flakes


Here are the cooking directions for the Quinoa Coconut Vegetable recipe:

Step 1: Rinse the quinoa in a fine sieve until the water runs clear, drain and transfer to a medium pot.

Step 2: Add the coconut water into the pot and bring to a boil.

Step 3: Cover, reduce heat to medium or medium low and simmer until most of the water is absorbed. This should take about 10 minutes.


Step 4: Add the carrot, kale, spinach, beans and young coconut meat (optional).  Cover and keep heat on medium or medium low for another 3 – 5 minutes.


Step 5: Set aside off the heat for 3 minutes; uncover and fluff with a fork.

Step 6: Transfer to a serving bowl.  Add cumin and chilli flakes.


Step 7: Squeeze at least 1/2 lime into the dish.

Step 8: Garnish with a slice of lime and ENJOY!



Nutritional Information for the Quinoa Coconut Vegetable dish:

Per Serving: 90 calories (10 from fat), 1.5 g total fat, 0 g saturated fat, 0 mg cholesterol, 150 mg sodium, 140 g carbohydrate (1.5 g dietary fiber, 0 g sugar), 5 g protein

Quinoa Nutrition Facts

NUTRITION INFORMATION Amounts per 1 cup (185g) Calorie Information Amounts Per Selected Serving Calories = 222 From Carbohydrate = 157 From Fat = 32.0 From Protein = 32.6 Carbohydrates Amounts Per Selected Serving Total Carbohydrate = 39.4 g Dietary Fiber = 5.2 g Starch = 32.6 g Sugar = 0 Fats & Fatty Acids Amounts Per Selected Serving Total Fat = 3.6 g Protein & Amino Acids Amounts Per Selected Serving Protein = 8.1 g Vitamins Amounts Per Selected Serving Vitamin A = 9.3 IU Vitamin C = 0.0 mg Vitamin D = 0.0 mg Vitamin E (Alpha Tocopherol) = 1.2 mg Vitamin K = 0.0 mg Thiamin = 0.2 mg Riboflavin = 0.2 mg Niacin = 0.8 mg Vitamin B6 = 0.2 mg Folate = 77.7 mcg Vitamin B12 = 0.0 mcg Minerals Amounts Per Selected Serving Calcium = 31.5 mg Iron = 2.8 mg Magnesium = 118 mg Phosphorus = 281 mg Potassium = 318 mg Sodium = 13.0 mg Zinc = 2.0 mg Copper = 0.4 mg Manganese = 1.2 mg Selenium = 5.2 mcg Quinoa nutrition facts provided by

NEWS > Active Learning New York School Goes All-Vegetarian

Active Learning Elementary School is the first US school to go ALL-VEGETARIAN!

As of January 2013, the Active Learning Elementary School in Queens New York, NY began offering all vegetarian meals for ALL of its students.  According to a CNN Report, the all vegetarian Queens New York school sees health and nutrition as part of educating the whole child.  For us at Just Add Good Stuff, this is incredible news!  We’ve always believed that there was something wrong and something missing with our current educational system.  From elementary to high school, our students are NOT taught anything about 2 of lives most important things: health/nutrition eduction and financial education.  It looks like Active Learning Elementary School has some forward planning and forward thinking educational professionals leading the way!

As of May 2013, the all vegetarian New York elementary school has moved to all-vegetarian meals five days a week. The Active Learning Elementary School in Queens has nearly 400 students, from pre-kindergarten to third grade, and was founded five years ago on the principle that a healthy lifestyle leads to strong academic achievement.

“We decided on a vision where health and nutrition would be a part of educating the whole child,” school principal Bob Groff said.

The New York vegetarian elementary school first went meatless three days a week in mid 2012. It also tested meals on a small group of students, gathering feedback and changing the menu accordingly. The New York Department of Education also noted that many of the students attending the Active Learning Elementary School were already more accustomed to eating more vegetarian/clean eating diets than most US students.  This is because almost 85% of all students here were of Hispanic or Asian decent … who’s diets have always been more notably ‘vegetarian’.  Many vegetarian Active Learning New York students were used to vegetarian meals at home too.

One of the sticky points with an all-vegetarian student meal in New York and the United States is that it has to be approved by the USDA.  In most cases, the USDA just wants to make sure that the proper mix of nutrition and nutritional foods are consumed by students of all ages.

The hardest part to adhere to is the amount of PROTEIN PER SERVING as no animal meats were being served at the all vegetarian New York school.  Officials said that it was a combination of routine (the routine of eating animal proteins) as well as the lack of education (that many vegetables and whole foods have adequate amounts of plant based proteins per serving) that were tough to understand.  In the end, the Active Learning New York vegetarian school opted to serve more tofu, roasted chickpeas, vegetarian chili, brown rice or falafel in their all vegetarian meals.

Students appear to be enthusiastic about their healthy meals. When you’re healthy, you can do better on tests and you can fight more diseases.

Currently, New York schools, which provide meals for 1.1 million students daily, offer principals vegetarian and non-vegetarian lunch options.

We are really impressed with what the Active Learning Elementary School has done in adopting an all-vegetarian mindset in combination with educating our children about health and nutrition.  This is ground-breaking and we are hopeful that other New York schools will also do the same.

Click here for the original CNN article: New York school goes all-vegetarian.



A Guide to Nuts and Nut Nutrition > Great Nut Infographic

If you are wondering which nuts are the best for you, here is an awesome nut infographic that presents information about nut nutritional value and nut nutrition in general.  Please note that the nut infographic is from the NutriBullet Blog.

As you can see from this infographic, the healthiest nuts providing the most nutrients, minerals, vitamins and fats are ALMONDS and PISTACHIOS.  In terms of nut nutritional value, they are followed closely by CASHEWS and PEANUTS.

Of course, the nut nutrition is based on unsalted and non-roasted nuts only.  Nuts are the best when eaten raw.

As mentioned above, this is THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO NUTS.  Almonds, cashews and hazelnuts are the best.


According to this NutriBullet nut infographic (which is awesome by the way), almost every type of nut packs a nutritional punch.  Considered a ‘superfood’, nut nutrition is amazing and fits in most diets including gluten free and vegan/vegetarian diets.  According to the information in this nut infographic on nut nutritional value, here is the breakdown of pieces of nuts per ounce, fat content, protein and fiber as well as overall calories.  Again, the serving size is 1 ounce of roasted, non salted nuts.  You will be amazed at the different types of nut nutritional values.

Almonds Nutritional Value (or Almond Nuts)

Considered to be one of the top 3 nuts in terms of nutritional value and calories, almond nuts are known to help with weight loss, reducing body fat content and even lowering blood pressure when combined with a low calorie diet.  Often considered as one of the most nutritionally dense nut, almonds offer the most overall nutrients per calorie and per ounce when it comes to nut nutrition as depicted in the nut infograph above.  Other benefits of almond nuts is that they may also help in lowering cholesterol, an increasing problem in Western style diets.  Here is the breakdown of almond nutritional value:

  • Number of Nuts per Ounce = 23
  • Fat (total) = 14 grams
  • Fat (unsaturated) = 13 grams
  • Fat (saturated) = 1 gram
  • Protein = 6 grams
  • Fiber = 3.5 grams
  • Calories: 163

Almonds are a great source of calcium, iron, fiber, vitamin E, riboflavin, magnesium, phosphorous and manganese.

Almonds are the second ‘healthiest’ nut when it comes to nut nutrition after pistachios (surprisingly to most people!).  Almonds are very high in protein and fiber and have low levels of unsaturated and saturated fats.

Brazil Nuts Nutritional Value

Brazil nuts are high in selenium as well as vitamin E.  Both of these elements assist in helping the body fight off free radicals which causes damaged cells and sickness.  In addition, the fiber in Brazil Nuts keeps the digestive system running smoothly and keeps he heart healthy.  The Brazil Nut nutrition is also very good and features an extra energy booster in the form of magnesium.  Here is the breakdown of the Brazil Nut nutritional value according to the nut infograph above:

  • Number of Nuts per Ounce = 7
  • Fat (total) = 21 grams
  • Fat (unsaturated) = 16.5 grams
  • Fat (saturated) = 4.5 grams
  • Protein = 4 grams
  • Fiber = 2 grams
  • Calories: 205

Brazil Nuts are a good source of selenium, vitamin E, fiber, magnesium, thiamine, phosphorous and copper.

Although Brazil Nuts rank poorly when it comes to number of calories in a single serving in addition to having high amounts of both unsaturated and saturated fats, this type of nut still has some essentials including selenium and vitamin E which other nuts are lacking.

Cashews Nutritional Value (or Cashew Nut)

Some of the best cashew benefits include phosphorous and iron.  Phosphorous is essential for building strong bones and teeth while iron is essential in keeping healthy skin, hair and nails.  The cashew nutritional value is exceptionally high when it comes to the amount of digestible magnesium which is used in building essential proteins and in keeping overall energy high.  Here is the cashew nutritional breakdown:

  • Number of Nuts per Ounce = 19
  • Fat (total) = 13 grams
  • Fat (unsaturated) = 10.5 grams
  • Fat (saturated) = 2.5 grams
  • Protein = 4.5 grams
  • Fiber = 1 gram
  • Calories: 163

Cashews are a great source of magnesium, phosphorous, copper, iron as well as protein.

Cashews come in 3rd place when it comes to nut nutritional value with low calorie count, high protein and low levels of fats.  However, it also has a lower level of fiber compared with other top performing nuts.

Hazelnuts Nutritional Value

Hazelnuts may have some fewer minerals and elements when it comes to nut nutrition, but it certainly contains many benefits nonetheless.  Firstly, hazelnuts may prevent the premature aging process and both cell and tissue degradation.  In addition, hazelnuts are known to help produce good amouns of healthy red and white blood cells, which is critical for a healthy circulatory system.  The breakdown of the hazelnut nutritional value is as follows:

  • Number of Nuts per Ounce = 20
  • Fat (total) = 17 grams
  • Fat (unsaturated) = 16 grams
  • Fat (saturated) = 1 gram
  • Protein = 4 grams
  • Fiber = 2.5 grams
  • Calories: 178

Hazelnuts contain healthy amounts of magnesium, copper, manganese, phosphorous, vitamin E, selenium and fiber.

Hazelnuts are very healthy and were in the middle range of all nut nutrition for 4 of the 5 factors above.  They also had the lowest amounts of saturated fats, which is good.

Macadamia Nuts Nutritional Value

Macadamia nuts have great nutritional value too.  Firstly, they are a great source of mono-unsaturated fats that help lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease.  Secondly, macadamia nutrients include magnesium and potassium which help in normal body functioning including heart function and muscle building).  They also assist in boosting energy levels.  Here is the breakdown of the macadamia nut nutrition:

  • Number of Nuts per Ounce = 11
  • Fat (total) = 22 grams
  • Fat (unsaturated) = 21 grams
  • Fat (saturated) = 1 gram
  • Protein = 2 grams
  • Fiber = 2 grams
  • Calories: 204

Macadamia Nuts are a great source of magnesium, thiamin, potassium as well as manganese.

Macadamia Nuts scored poorly in just about everything except for fiber (where it placed in the middle).  Not the healthiest of nuts, but contains some trace minerals that the body needs.

Peanuts Nutritional Value

We’ve included the Peanut in the nut infographic, although peanuts are not really considered nuts.  They are actually legumes!  However, peanut nutritional value should not be frowned upon as peanuts have lots of nutrients.  The peanut helps maintain healthy skin, muscles and hair in addition to having potassium which helps regulate the body’s water levels and metabolism.  In addition, the peanut nutritional value also helps prevents muscle cramping (great when working out).  Here is the breakdown of the peanuts nutrition:

  • Number of Nuts per Ounce = 28
  • Fat (total) = 14 grams
  • Fat (unsaturated) = 12 grams
  • Fat (saturated) = 2 grams
  • Protein = 6.5 grams
  • Fiber = 2.5 grams
  • Calories: 166

Peanuts are a good source of protein, niacin, vitamin E, folate, magnesium, phosphorous, manganese and copper.

Although not technically classified as a ‘nut’, the peanut comes in 4th place when ranked against real nuts for calories, fiber, protein and fat content.  In other words, keep eating peanuts.

Pecans Nutritional Value (or Pecan Nuts)

Pecan nutrition includes helping lower blood cholesterol levels by keeping the arteries clear and acting as a circulatory assistor.  In addition, pecan nuts help guard against infections and may even help protect against cancer (many studies are being done right now).  The pecan nutritional value is as follows:

  • Number of Nuts per Ounce = 19 halves
  • Fat (total) = 21 grams
  • Fat (unsaturated) = 10 grams
  • Fat (saturated) = 2 grams
  • Protein = 3 grams
  • Fiber = 3 grams
  • Calories: 199

Pecans are a rich source of fiber, magnesium, phosphorous, copper, zinc and manganese.

Pecans scored poorly in 3 of the 5 nut nutritional breakdowns including calories (almost 200 calories per serving), unsaturated fats (worst of all the nuts) and protein (scored second last).  However, it ranked in the middle for saturated fats and highly when it comes to fiber content.

Pine Nuts Nutritional Value

Pine nuts are known to sharpen vision and boost the immune system, helping the body combat infections and diseases.  In addition, the high levels of mono-unsaturated fats help boost a healthy heart.  Many people confuse pine nuts as seeds, but they are definitely nuts!  Here is a breakdown of the pine nut nutrition:

  • Number of Nuts per Ounce = 160
  • Fat (total) = 19 grams
  • Fat (unsaturated) = 17.5 grams
  • Fat (saturated) = 1.5 grams
  • Protein = 4 grams
  • Fiber = 1 gram
  • Calories: 188

Pine Nuts are a great source of manganese, vitamin E, copper, zinc, potassium, phosphorous, vitamin K and magnesium.

Also ranking lower on the nut nutrition chart are pine nuts.  Although low in calories, the pine nuts are high in saturated and unsaturated fats and low in both protein and fiber.  However, it does contain essential elements in copper and zinc in addition to a healthy dose of vitamins E and K.

Pistachios Nutritional Value (or Pistachio Nut)

One of the unique and awesome features of pistachio nutrition is that they are completely cholesterol free!  In addition, the pistachio nut is very high in mono-unsaturated fats which again helps your heart.  Other elements in the pistachio nutritional value includes B vitamins, magnesium as well as copper which are essential in strengthening the immune system to combat diseases and infections.  The pistachio nutritional breakdown is as follows:

  • Number of Nuts per Ounce = 49
  • Fat (total) = 13 grams
  • Fat (unsaturated) = 11 grams
  • Fat (saturated) = 2 grams
  • Protein = 6 grams
  • Fiber = 3 gram
  • Calories: 161

Pistachios have a good source of fiber, thiamine, vitamin B6, phosphorous, copper and even manganese.

Pistachios are the best bang for your buck when it comes to nut nutrition.  Having the lowest calorie count, pistachios also have high content of fiber and protein while having low unsaturated and saturated fats.

Walnuts Nutritional Value

Last but not least are walnuts.  Some benefits and nutritional value of the walnut includes the high levels of mono-unsaturated fats as well as omega-3 fatty acids.  Both help in preventing heart disease.  In addition, omega-3 fatty acids in walnut nutrition help prevent both depression as well as arthritis, giving walnuts a vast range of benefits.  Here is the breakdown of the walnut nutrition:

  • Number of Nuts per Ounce = 14 halves
  • Fat (total) = 17 grams
  • Fat (unsaturated) = 16 grams
  • Fat (saturated) = 1 gram
  • Protein = 7 grams
  • Fiber = 2 gram
  • Calories: 173

Walnuts are high in protein vitamin B6, magnesium, phosphorous, copper, manganese and selenium.

Walnuts come in the middle range of nut nutrition. It’s got great stuff and not so great stuff.  On the good side are low calories, most protein for a single serving and very low saturated fats.  However, it also ranks in the middle of nut nutrition when it comes to unsaturated fats and fiber.

Misinformation and Confusion Surrounding Nuts and Fat Content

As well, according to the NutriBullet Blog nut infographic, nut nutrition is always at the forefront of fat discussions.  Although nuts are high in fat, one must understand the difference between unsaturated (or mono-unsaturated) fats and saturated fats in your diet.  The unsaturated fats (which occur in much higher levels in nut nutrition as depicted in the nut infographic) are actually good for us in moderation.  The unsaturated fats in nuts can help us moderate cholesterol levels and decrease the risk of heart disease and heart attacks.  On the other hand, saturated fats, which are fats that are mainly found in animal based and processed foods, can raise cholesterol levels and increase the risk of heart disease.

The general rule when it comes to eating fat (and in nut nutrition), is that most healthy adults should consume anywhere between 20 to 30 per cent of their daily calories from fats.  This is equal to roughly 44 to 78 grams of fat per day.  However, doctors and nutritionists advise that no more than 10 per cent of the total daily calories comes from saturated fats.  That is equal to only 22 grams.

NutriBullet = The Superfood Nutrition Extractor | Our Recommendation

Ok, we’ve all seen the commercials for the NutriBullet, a new and improved MagicBullet, that apparently allows you to juice and blend just about everything.  I must admit… I’ve had my doubts about this machine since the get go, so I decided to purchase one in November 2012 to try it.

THE VERDICT > The NutriBullet Superfood Nutrition Extractor is simply UNBELIEVABLE.


The NutriBullethas literally changed my life.  It is an amazing and affordable appliance that allows anyone to EXTRACT the best of every food out there, without any waste.  The catch phrase for the NutriBullet is “Don’t Juice It. Don’t Blend It. Extract It!”

Unlike a juicer, The NutriBullet Superfood Nutrition Extractor actually blends and extracts EVERYTHING.  There is no separation of the liquid from the solids (pulp) and therefore, you can drink the best of both worlds.  You don’t waste anything and you retain all the nutrients of the food.

So how does the NutriBullet work?

The NutriBullet motor is very powerful.  The 600 watt motor rivals the best blenders and is significantly more powerful than the original MagicBullet (built for different purposes of course!).  Add to it the all-new NutriBullet Extractor Blade, and anyone can juice, blend and extract all types of vegetables, fruit, solid foods, nuts and liquids.  The NutriBullet also has a exclusive cyclonic action that is efficient and fast, allowing you to prepare a drink in less than 5 minutes!  The NutriBullet Superfood Nutrition Extractor busts open seeds, cracks through stems and even sheds tough skin, so preparing your ingredients is quick and easy.

Transform ordinary food into superfood and add years to your life!

And did you know?

The NutriBullet is very affordable and clocks in at less than $120 USD! In addition, you can get shipping for FREE! There is also a 30 day risk free money back guarantee. This is an amazing offer for a life changing machine!

You can find more information about The NutriBullet Superfood Nutrition Extractor online at: